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Escenarios para nuevo BMS


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Middle East Theatre - BMS converted v1.0



Download link:




Installation instructions:


- Unzip and place “Add-On Middle East” into BMS's “Data” folder

- Add the following line to the bottom of the “theater.lst” file (located into: ...\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition)


Add-On Middle East\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Middle East.tdf


Known issues:


- "TEAM" definition tool not working (map painting)

- CTD when showing radar & missile coverage on UI

- UI is slow due to the size of theater 128

- No tower voices specific to the theater

Change log:

BMS Conv v1.0:

- Campaigns introduction videos added

- PAK map fixed

- te_new.tac edited to define Iraqi boundaries

- Coulds textures updated

- Stings.wch .idx reworked

- theater.irc updated

- mission.dat, ppt.ini,teplanes.lst updated

- Weather.ini updated

- Country flags reworked and te_new, save0 1 & 2.cam adjusted to make flags correspond to country names

- fartiles.dds, fartilesN.dds,fartiles.pal,texture.zip ziped to save space: no more used by BMS code but still available for terrain view purpose.

- Some artwork refinements




Nevada Theatre - BMS converted



Download link:




Installation instructions:


- Unzip and place “Add-On Nevada” into BMS's “Data” folder

- Add the following line to the bottom of the “theater.lst” file (located into: ...\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition)


Add-On Nevada\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Neveda.tdf (Not required in case of automated installation)


Known issues:


- No tower voices specific to the theater

- Some missions disappear from the ATO & Frag (Mission cancelled?)


Change log:


BMS Conv v1.0:


- Squadron patches added

- Campaings modified : German Tornado, Belgian F-16, Canadian F-18, Frensh M2000D added; US is team n°2 (2nd place in the ODB) to respect Blue colours for BLUFOR.

- Scenarios Blue on Red, Blue on Blue, Force on Force regrouped under the same Theatre set.

- Campaigns introduction videos added

- Coulds textures updated

- theater.irc updated

- mission.dat, ppt.ini,teplanes.lst updated

- Weather.ini updated

- Country flags reworked and te_new, save0 1 & 2.cam adjusted to make flags correspond to country names

- fartiles.dds, fartilesN.dds,fartiles.pal,texture.zip ziped to save space: no more used by BMS code but still available for terrain view purpose.

- Some artwork refinements




Afghan Theatre - BMS converted v1.0



Download link:


Work in progress - will be available soon!


Installation instructions:


- Unzip and place “Add-On Afghan” into BMS's “Data” folder

- Add the following line to the bottom of the “theater.lst” file (located into: ...\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition)


Add-On Afghan\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Afghan.tdf


Kown issues:


- UI is slow maybe due to the size of theater

- No tower voices specific to the theater

- CTD on BMS exit

- PAK map fixed

- "atcbrain" CTD on carrier operation


Change log:


BMS Conv. v1.0:


- Convertion of OF Afghanistan v0.3 (mission.dat, teplanes.lst, atc.ini, PPT.ini updated)

- fartiles.dds, fartilesN.dds,fartiles.pal,texture.zip ziped to save space: no more used by BMS code but still available for terrain view purpose.

- Counrty Flag and country name added

- Clouds textures updated

- Some artwork refinements



Aegean Theatre - BMS converted v1.0



Download link:




Installation instructions:


- Unzip and place “Add-On Aegean” into BMS's “Data” folder

- Add the following line to the bottom of the “theater.lst” file (located into: ...\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition)


Add-On Aegean\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Aegean.tdf


Kown issues:


- CTD (unit.cpp) during campaing

- CTD on BMS exit

- Textures glitches remains for some F-16


Change log:


BMS Conv v1.0:


- Coulds textures updated

- New water textures included

- Dedicated Aegean a/c textures restored (Few textures glitches remains for some F-16BLK32 & MLU)

- BMS database added (RWR sound cue for MiG29 fix included)

- fartiles.dds, fartilesN.dds,fartiles.pal,texture.zip ziped to save disk space: no more used by BMS code but still available for terrain view purpose.


Beta 1.1:


- Turkey flag reworked

- "movies.irc" added

- Both Greek & Turkish "te_new.tac" fixed


Beta 1:


- AegeanV4 BMS converted

- Terrain imported from AegeanV4 from an OF4.5 install...(but what about specific Aegean "buldings"?)

- Ui GUI rebuild for BMS

- te_new.tac for Hellas and Turked added ("Optional Features folder)

- OOB Flags added/fixed

- OOB Country name added/fixed

- Few artwork refinements

- Weather.ini updated

- "Ressource RD/BL" updated with new standard icons



Balkans Theatre - BMS converted Beta 8


Download link:


Work in progress - will be available soon!


Installation instructions:


- Unzip and place “Add-On Balkans” into BMS's “Data” folder

- Add the following line to the bottom of the “theater.lst” file (located into: ...\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition)


Add-On Balkans\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\balkans.tdf


Known issues:


- "atcbrain.cpp" CTD occur especially at Grotaglie and Bindisi and mainly under UNDER SIEGE scenario

- No tower voices specific to the theater


Change log:


Beta 8:


- BMS UI integration: Folder system change respect Korea one

- Dedicated database added (except for lod to save Mo!)

- Maps (including JSTAR etc PAK) refinement

- Fix for few A/C icons in “teplanes.lst” and DB

- Dedicated “mission.dat” added

- PPT.ini update: SAM rings are now the max actual lethal range (engaging zone) as it should be IRL. Not detection range

- WPT2 problem fixed (Aerial boundaries redefinition)

- Campaign summary description added/fixed

- OOB Flags and colours corrected

- Some artwork refinements

- Powder Keg: Minor modification (M2000 squadron added at Istrana)


Beta 7:

- Added missing files in /campaign/ folder


Beta 6:

- Added new Mission.dat file

- Updated lcktxtrc.irc file

- Updated Setup Files


Beta 5:

- Updated phonebook for multiplayer connections

- Updated lcktxtrc.irc file


Beta 4:

- Fixed the PAK Map

- Fixed the SETUP UI file, for the Dynamic Head Slider

- Fixed the WEATHER UI file, for deterministic wind

- Reset all allied squadrons to use NATO flag, for the moment

- Removed the old credits




Fusilado de Benchmarksims.org. by Dee-jay.




Ojito con las instalaciones para el Online. Si vais a probar cosas estos días, haceos otra instalación paralela con la que guarrear este tipo de cosas. Para el Vuelo Online, mantened una copia segun se instala por defecto para utilizarla con los mismos parametros que el servidor que estamos preparando.



Aparte estan liados con el viejo conocido ITOF (Israel), y se estan pidiendo datos para lo que será una nueva version del escenario de Lybia??? :pleasantry:


No esta mal para empezar verdad?? :rolleyes:

Edited by Drakko
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No se si alguno mas seguis F4spain, no se desarrollo para BMS aunque sospecho que no costaria mucho adaptarlo viendo la rapidez con la que han metido escenarios. F4spain es un proyecto comandado por Jose Labrada, basicamente se han dedicado durante mucho tiempo a desarrollar un teatro de la peninsula iberica y parte del norte de africa, por lo que he ido viendo muy pronto habra una version oficial aunque de momento ya han publicado varias betas de "pilar of hercules". Actualmente es compatible con " Falcon 4.0 Allied Force 1.0.13, OpenFalcon 4.7, RedViper y FreeFalcon 5.5.1." os recomiendo que le deis un vistazo a la pagina porque ha sido a mi juicio una currada tilear todo ese terreno durante este tiempo Enlace a F4spain

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bueno, Los lios empiezan.


Al parecer Benchmarksims ha tenido que borrar todos los enlaces para la descarga de los escenarios del nuevo BMS. La razon, pues parece que como son propiedad de PMC tactical, estos ultimos han de dar su permiso para la conversion (Cosa que no hicieron los de BMS) y han paralizado todo hasta que bueno, por los motivos que sean (Aqui mejor que nos abstengamos de teorias y opiniones que nos puedan buscar algun lio), ellos quieran.


¿Cómo queda la cosa ahora? Pues que nos quedamos con Korea como único teatro por ahora. A aquellos que tuvisteis tiempo de instalar los que sacaron a la luz, no se que deciros... Puede que hayais tenido suerte y guardeis verdaderas joyas, puede que cuando salgan nuevamente a la luz(Es un camino que recorreran tarde o temprano) no valgan para nada y hayan tocado cientos de cosas (Incluso metido el nuevo FLARE), asi que haced lo que considereis oportuno.


Lo que si parece es que al igual que los de LP pusieron cientos de pegas al OF, ahora, para agrandar la leyenda nuevamente y su interminable historial de disputas entre los distintos desarrolladores de esta autentica joya llamada Falcon(Sea la versión que sea), la historia se repite una vez más, en lo bueno, y en lo malo.


Podeis ver ambos foros para ver que tal esta la cosa:





Edited by Drakko
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