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Nueva Entrevista A Oleg

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En perfecto ruso, claro:



Hay fotos nuevas, y un minivídeo de las olas del mar. Muy bonito.


De la entrevista, me quedo, flipemos todos un poquito, con que el motor está preparado para volar aviones... y ¡cualquier otra cosa! esto es, estilo B. S. Se podrá sacar addons por ejemplo, para dirigir un barco o un submarino (esto último es una espinita que tenía Oleg de cuando el Il2. Según sus datos, los aviones ruskis también podían navegar o incluso sumergirse, pero por mantener el equilibrio entre bandos no lo implementó, pero ahora sí, temblad malditos). Un estilo Pacific figther (dos simuladores, pero complementarios) que lo desarrolló como parte de pruebas de viabilidad de lo que quiere hacer ahora (eso dice :lol: ).

El caso es que por fín podremos llevar una locomotora a toa pastilla por la campiña francesa. Eso es lo importante.


Otra cosa que comenta, y espero equivocarme del todo, es que planea para el modo online el método pago mensual para poder acceder a partidas online. Mal rollo.


También habla algo de los addons, que los habrá de pago, y gratuitos, y que tiene la esperanza de que empresas que hasta ahora se han dedicado al FS puedan desarrollar modelos para el BoB. El brindará una herramienta para que cualquiera pueda modelar cualquier objeto (otra cosa es que pase su filtro).


En fín, unas cuantas cosas mas, interesantes todas, que hacen que me tiemblen las piernas cada vez que pienso en lo que se nos viene encima.

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Guest Darkness
Otra cosa que comenta, y espero equivocarme del todo, es que planea para el modo online el método pago mensual para poder acceder a partidas online. Mal rollo.


Espero que no sea cierto, o que al menos el hyperlobby y las partidas online haciendo uno de server, o el tener un servidor propio como tenemos nosotros, se mantenga. Como quiera implantar algo al estilo de XBOX Live o World of Warcraft va a haber sangre.


Y joder con el vídeo, dan ganas de llevarse la tumbona y la crema solar :D :D

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Ya sospechaba esto... demasiado detalle en los vehículos terrestres como para no verlos desde cerca...


A ver cómo queda esto del online porque ahora sí que ha puesto Oleg las cartas sobre la mesa y está claro que va a por superar a los del WWII Online... aunque la duda es; cómo implementas de entrada la lucha terrestre en un escenario en el que nunca sucedió?


Como no sea evacuando Dunkerke o atacando Dieppe...


Claro que cuando luego se amplíe el período de combate la cosa cambia...


Lo que me preocupa es que se mantengan los modos online actuales para poder volar coops o dogs normales sin estar en ese mundo con un frente persistente...


Si le sale mal la jugada será un desastre, pero como le salga bien... estamos ante un cambio histórico en simulación (sin desmerecer al veterano WWIIOL)...

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Estoy contigo Darkness en lo de hacer sangre a alguien :lol:

Y por lo demás el tito Olegario nos va a volver locos con sus ideas, si todo mu chulo, pero haber que sale de todo eso.

Aviones que se sumergen :blink::blink::shok: no tenia ni idea de eso.

Al tito se le a ido la hoya.

Saludos :lol: y alucinando


PD: Vencejo lo del avión sumergible es de coña :lol::lol:

cada vez que leo el primer post me parto el pecho :D:D, al final lo peor no sera la colonia de leprosos, si no que te digan , tú a la locomotora :D:D

Edited by E69_julian57
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Pos a día de hoy, que mañana nunca se sabe, me parece que si ponen de pago el modo online lo compra su p******* m**** (vale podria haberlo suavizado pero no lo cambio); sí creo que me compraria addons en condiciones, pero si son al estilo de un avion con todas sus modificaciones, pq si es de 1 solo modelo de avion pos repito las dos palabras de antes. Todo esto no quita que haya de dejado lleno de babas el teclado cuando he visto las fotos y que viendo el video me han entrado ganas de un chapuzon... si no viniera empapado de la lluvia XD.

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Ojo con lo del servidor de pago, no lo confundáis con que eso elimine el resto de modos online... yo no he entendido eso. Igual me equivoco, pero creo que Oleg va a crear una arena persistente con soporte para cun número ampliado de pilotos, soldados, conductores de vehículos, capitanes navales...


Un server así cuesta un porrón. Estoy hablando de 10.000 tíos en la misma arena, lo que es el WWIIOL. Por eso yo sí que pago 20 o 30€ al mes su uno o dos meses estoy por la labor.


Pero si un mes no me apetece volar allí, entiendo que dejo de pagar eso y podrá uno dedicarse a las dog o coops de siempre... Vamos, sino ya me ppregunto yo dónde se va a volar acrobacia o carreras... porque en un server de combate me da que no.

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Pffff como haya que pagar todos los meses...que le den, seguro que es mu potito pero vamo pa pagar todos los meses me quedo con el IL2 (que no está nada mal), por cierto me lo compré pa reyes en la aeroteca y hoy lo he visto en steam por 10 leuros...cagontó.

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Pffff como haya que pagar todos los meses...que le den, seguro que es mu potito pero vamo pa pagar todos los meses me quedo con el IL2 (que no está nada mal), por cierto me lo compré pa reyes en la aeroteca y hoy lo he visto en steam por 10 leuros...cagontó.


Igual no me he explicado bien. Si no recuerdo mal, Oleg dijo que se mantendrían los modos actuales online. Ahora dice que se añade una arena de pago. Como algo adicional.


Lógicamente, al que no quiera pagar le quedarán los modos online de toda la vida, pero se va a perder la "Main Arena" de Oleg (que a ver qué tal le sale para hacerla atractiva, ésa es otra)...

Edited by TUCKIE_JG52
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Traducción al inglés:


Today, Oleg [Medoks] answered the questions (it illustrated their [skrinshotami] and small video), to which he did not have time to give more detailed answers to the moment of the output of the first part.



- Oleg, taking into account that the fact that the work on the creation “of battles for Britain” exceeded 60%, as you said, is created impression that long-awaited “[bzB]” is done too for long, for example, in comparison with the work on “Il-2”. So whether this?


- I did not say that for long. “Il-2 attack aircraft”, to its output in 2001 was done 4 years - first cursor, is then narrower rest. Improvements then were done, new 3d cursor (in “forgotten battles” with the start Of perfect (excellent) is loaded simply new cursor). This entire work engaged already 4 years to the output of platinum collection. Altogether according to the large calculation of 8 years. From them 4 years of modernizations and expansions. First they wanted to make “battle for Britain” on the cursor “Il-2”… However, this would be the latter, that we would make on this cursor… A then that? Already then cursor began in our eyes to grow antiquated, in spite of the revolutionary things, which were brought for the market with the output “Il-2” in 2001 and which many developers from the different countries simply copied. The final solution to make fundamentally new cursor was accepted in 2005. It first made one person, then two, but not without the detachment from the basic production - series “Il-2”. Seriously we all together undertook only after the total end of a series “Il-2”, i.e., actually into 2007. We make already 2 years. So that this is not so already it is much in the comparison with the problems, stated before us. But tasks are not small: “To outdo” itself and those, who say that they are better than “Il-2” they make (only much later, after we and themselves already left improvement). So that we yet did not reach in reality the time, spent on the development “Il-2”… But if we speak about some other developers, then we to them communicated the initial code “Il-2” sufficiently long ago… and to let out on it they must were simulator even to the output “of 1946” in order to pay its development…. As a result they decided to make their cursor and so forth… Well and how much they already do make? I think that an example it is intelligible, that everything that it is done not on the already finished cursor, occupies sufficiently prolonged time.


- In your earlier different interviews it was understandable that “[bzB]” will principally differ from a series “Il-2”. In what the essence of these fundamental differences?


- A not very convenient question, but I will try to answer so as not to open too many commercial secrets.

1. is created originally cursor and the system, which will serve as base for a series of simulators. Moreover each new will be as separate product, but it will be possible to combine, also, with all previous, beginning from “[bzB]” (according to the type “Pacific Of fighters” - this it was the first experiment, which showed the correctness of the selected way)


2. is created the system, which is befitted not only for the simulator of aircraft, but also for the game on the captain's bridge of submarine, PT boat, in the cab of tank, helicopter (by the way, autogyro also, it will most likely, be controlled with the output “Of [bzB]”).


3. is created the fundamentally new code for the game in on-line with many modes and possibilities… being befitted also for the paid game on the servers according to the principle of the monthly payment (not from [bzB], but on the base of the fact that made and with the transfer to other commands for further development of another direction).


4. quality of [kopiynosti] of aircraft and ground-based technology many times exceeds “Il-2” - strongly I doubt, which will be already accessible better, besides as an increase in ranges and size of textures, addition of internal construction. So that once “Il-2” already used for [referensov] other developers, then now they will be still more - in the cinema.


5. is created the system of the means of changes and additions, in this case without the damage to honesty in the online game. After the output “Of [bzB]” we plan to let out special [programmki] for:


- The inserts of new aircraft;


- The inserts of new ground-based static objects (house, bridges, port equipment and the rest;


- The inserts of new machines, tanks, ships and the rest;


- Compilings of maps, but with the limitation according to the size (large we leave after itself for the new simulators).


Certainly, the knowledge and the skill to work in other programs and editors will be required for this. But such people much in the world, including our country.


Already only that above enumerated makes it possible to think above the fact, to how much more complex, to how much more than possibilities will give “[bzB]”… As one of the consequences, neither much nor is small, similar to the industry of additions for “MS FS”, they will appear many additions and even the same industry, taking into account honest online game into “[bzB]”. It is so that understandable that sufficiently rapidly they will appear after the output “Of [bzB]” and new aircraft, and even Soviet. But one Russian aircraft will be immediately in [relize] “Of [bzB]”, by the way. This - Su-26. It is made on the request of many real pilots from the West (but and in the West they request still very “Yak-52”). As is evident “[bzB]” will strongly differ from “Il-2” in this respect , where we made or put entire themselves from the additional aircraft to the ground-based technology precisely because of the observance of the honesty of game in online. Moreover enormous part was realized “after free of charge”.

- A there will be free additions to “the battle for Britain”, as it was in “Il-2”, or, taking into account economic situation, such additions will be only paid?


The practice of free additions we, certainly, will continue. However, not so it is much, as it is earlier. Greater we will adapt (fix as final) strange additions to the online standards in order to include them in official “[nechiterskiy]” online list. But it is also early a little to speak about this. By the way, already even is planned the first aircraft for this free addition.


- Again let us return to the maps in “[bzB]”. This is very interesting theme… How it is strong and how will be characterized by these maps in comparison with the maps in “Il-2”?


- Well, in the first place, they will be more detailed. First of all this where as the more distinguishable in flight fine details of surface, houses, roads and so forth… Not entirely on the theme of map, but the being swayed grass also can be will be noted. In the second place, a weather change during the flight. This also relates to the map, although this and separate weather cursor, attached in physics to the map because of the topography. Thirdly, the detail of the coasts: now they will be with the breaks, moreover not with the flat drawn textures, set not horizontally, but by actually relief. Fourthly, roads now can be laid with the smooth turnings of different radii, which strongly changes the type of surface on top to the more realistic side. In combination with the more [fotografichnymi] textures, the new technologies, real shadings and light and shade that increasingly above enumerated will give picture with the view from the height of bird flight well very similar to reality.


- I nevertheless, Oleg, describe in more detail, as you do think, what development can obtain “[bzB]” in the future, in comparison with “Il-2”, taking into account more powerful potential embedded into this project?


- Taking into account higher aforesaid and possible original success “Of [bzB]” on the market, I see the following:


to 1.[Chast] developers in the entire world, in all likelihood, sufficiently large, which was occupied by the additions of military and sports airplanes for “MS FS” it will pass to our side (especially in light of the last events in their camp). I.e., they will begin to make precisely for a series “Storm Of Wa”:). I think even up to the whistles (reactive contemporary). At least , I think that someone will want to model even Vietnam, to say nothing about the aircraft of the first world… Such will also be. Moreover the aircraft of the first world to make and to program much more simply, since there is no there displacement of the aerodynamic focus, by retractable landing gear, the adjustable propeller pitch and another serious mechanization. As there are no radio with all resultant complexities of the record of voices and generally the simulation of negotiations…


2. Korea. Together with “RRG”. Thus far development flows in the background regime and command in essence carries out our orders for [dodelyvanie] of some aircraft, then the simulation of ships.


3. Africa, Malta, the USSR…. These are the most probable themes from our side. Even when we accurately know that for the western market besides “the battles for Britain” and its continuation, Pacific Ocean is certainly more interesting. On the whole, eastern Front to in reality make somewhat more simply, since knowledge on this question the times it is more and the variety of aircraft and ground-based technology according to the greater calculation to make necessary the times is less than for all western fronts.


4. continuation of the theme of the English Channel, but for the most part due to the strange developers of the additions (map- that basic it will already be).


5. transfer (sale) of the code to experimental command from the side for creating other games. Let us say, Only Of online with the running soldiers and the controlled submarines. Or by the automatic spacecraft above the surface of planet with more- less realistic physics, but not sub-light accelerations:)


6. transfer to the console in the simplified form.


- Practically all virtual pilots leave in on-line only after preparation in the [offlaynovykh] campaigns, being three times virtual GSS or by the virtual cavaliers of oak leaves. For sure, so it will be also in “the battle for Britain”. But they will to what extent change campaign into “[bzB]” in comparison with “Il-2”?


- I will answer thus far briefly:


1. radically new cursor of dynamic campaign. Sometimes with the unpredictable development of events and chances. It thus far still requires enormous test and work on the finishing…


2. possibility of designing of static campaign with the random branchings off (if they are modelled, let us say by users).


We leave the second point for the user additions. This method of creating the campaigns is most realistic from the point of view of history… However, and it will be possible to change the first within some limits from the side of user and even make its additions.



- Oleg, which of the aircraft you does most of all please in “Il-2”, what into “[bzB]”?


- A complex question. With entire variety of aircraft in “Il-2” I preferred Bf-109K-4 (with the stars certainly!), if they gave in online. Sometimes preferred boom -[zumit] in “the Fochs” and I -185, when it saw that in the fight there are no the same clever as I, and entire dump goes somewhere below in the turns. In “[bzB]” I will, probably prefer nevertheless Spitfire. At least , at the beginning, until other aircraft appear… Well and from the uncommon - this is autogyro. Completely different technology of control:). For the flight simulation they drew even pilot of contemporary autogyro. Well and if we suddenly nevertheless make the second rider of that being firing back from Messers rifle, then this will be very in English… By the way, bring down it will be is sufficiently problematically because of its low speed.




- Thanks for the detailed answers, Oleg! Greatly we wait the output “Of [bzB]”, and I hope for the continuation of our conversation. Successes to you!




- Thanks!


Según entiendo, BoB podrá ser volado online de manera gratuita (uff :lol: ) pero estará preparado para tener que pagar mensualmente dependiendo de los distintos "modulos" que puedan añadirse <_<

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Gracias por la traducción!


Me han llamado poderosamente la atención dos temas:


4. quality of [kopiynosti] of aircraft and ground-based technology many times exceeds “Il-2” - strongly I doubt, which will be already accessible better, besides as an increase in ranges and size of textures, addition of internal construction. So that once “Il-2” already used for [referensov] other developers, then now they will be still more - in the cinema.


Como que en el cine? A ver si se refiere a algo en lo que algunos pilotos virtuales españoles andan metidos... (y no digo nombres ;))




But one Russian aircraft will be immediately in [relize] “Of [bzB]”, by the way. This - Su-26. It is made on the request of many real pilots from the West (but and in the West they request still very “Yak-52”). As is evident “[bzB]” will strongly differ from “Il-2” in this respect , where we made or put entire themselves from the additional aircraft to the ground-based technology precisely because of the observance of the honesty of game in online. Moreover enormous part was realized “after free of charge”.


SIII! Lo mantieneee!!!

Veo que alude al recordatiorio que algunos pilotos que yo me sé le hicieron vía vídeo. Me alegra que se acuerde, aunque seguramente Velarde y Fantoba no serán los únicos que habrán pedido "pa la saca" el Su-26 al verlo...


Sobre la alusión al Yak-52, esto es obvio que ha salido de los debates que hubo en los foros de 1C. Parece que se refiera a Western cuando en realidad debería decir "no escrito en cirílico". Este debate lo seguí atentamente allí. El Yak-52 es un avión acrobático muy extendido y con mucho glamour, sabe que hay interés por él, y, es más, diría que tiene uno o en todo caso pilota uno, creo recorder por unas fotos que vi de Oleg hace siglos.


El mundillo acrobático espera ese Su-26 con la boca llena de agua, y ya no hablemos si alguien modela un Yak-52.


Joer, pero qué buenas noticias... me han alegrado el día, de verdad. :)

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Pues segun las fotos del modelado de los aviones, el que no tenga una super maquina recien comprada cuando salga el juego volara a 800x600 en 16 bits y detalle bajo. Veo un poco raro el modelo. Con las caras triangulares, cuando no hay razon de tenerlas, duplica el total de ellas. No se lo que han utilizado para modelizarlo pero seguro que no hay nurbs en el programa que utilizan.




Fijaros en esta foto hecha a partir de nurbs y luego comparad con las fotos de la entrevista. Se que es un modelo sencillo el que os pongo pero aunque se complique el modelo debe ser mas limpio. No se si a veces os ha ocurrido en algun juego que no se vea una cara o varias de un modelo, o el tipico triangulo que sale de esquina a esquina de la pantalla por error grafico. Pues es que el modelado lleva las caras triangulares.


Es solo una reflexion sobre el modelado. Si ellos consiguen que el juego vaya en ordenadores medios, pues chapeau...


Un saludo

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El concepto es interesante sin duda. Como ya han comentado en otros lares, tiene una pizca de mmorpg. O de otra forma, es como juntar lo bueno de los server de dogfight (persistencia) con las cooperativas en il2 (ia completa, etc.) y mejorarlo con triggers, etc como en DCS.

Edited by more/DSLam
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