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El parche 1.02 de LOMAC sigue en desarrollo


Vamos pues a ir comentando cada punto por separado. Como siempre, en cursiva el texto original en inglés, y en letra normal la explicación y comentarios:





This is your "Warning Order" for the V1.02 Patch release.



The V.102 patch is currently in the final phases of testing. We have addressed many things and solved most of the problems reported by users. It is important that everyone understand a few things:


Se han resuelto muchos problemas pero todo el mundo ha de entender algunos puntos:



1. The Read Me file provides lots of valuable information. Please read it before using V1.02.


Debe usarse la información del readme del parche 1.02 ya que contiene mucha e importante información. Debe leerse antes de usar el parche.



2. New bugs will appear and some will surprise all of us. This is a complex and very large program. Lots can go wrong. There is no way we can get a patch to you that fixes "everything". The testing resources available for patches are much less than that of a product prior to initial release. That means that it is more than likely we will miss something. We don't like the idea of you all being testers, but with games like this you do sometimes play that role. We ask that you provide us your feedback in a reasoned and mature way. The Moderators will create an official feedback thread. Please use it to provide details of what you are experiencing and be sure to include your system spec and hardware information.


Los detractores del simulador LOMAC disfrutarán con este párrafo: aparecerán nuevos errores y algunos sorprenderán a los usuarios. Este programa es muy complejo y los recursos dedicados a testeo son mucho menores que los que hubo en la salida del producto (algo que ya se comentó hace un tiempo). Se solicita que los errores encontrados sean informados, ya que se habilitará un foro para los mismos.


Es evidente que los bugs pueden aparecer, y que los recursos han sido menores, pero el hecho de que se desee recoger cualquier error encontrado puede dar una idea de un parche nuevo que pudiese solucionar los nuevos problemas. De todas formas, queda abierta la puerta a nuevos bugs. Podría parecer una insensatez, pero es muy cierto que ocurre en todos los productos del mercado, este no va a ser menos.




3. This is an entertainment software product, not a Department or Ministry of Defense project with a big budget. We are doing our best with limited resources. Work with us, not against us, please. We have worked very hard on this product and this patch. We believe we have enhanced the game greatly and hope that you enjoy it. We realize that we will not make everyone happy so our goal has always been to make most of you happy.


Carl Comenta que este es un producto de entretenimiento, no se trata de un proyecto de un departamento de defensa con mucho dinero. Se hace lo que se puede con pocos recursos. Carl cree que se ha mejorado mucho con este parche, y creen que satisfará a casi todo el mundo.



4. Instead of getting angry, let's all work together and help one another. That is what has mostly been happening online in the forum. Let's continue to be a community and not a mob. Personally, I am glad to help out but I will not be very tolerant of bad behavior, rude people, or abusive treatment. There is no excuse for anyone to be insulting or abusive. If you can't be mature and constructive then don't bother posting.


Se desea trabajar en un buen ambiente, vamos a ser una buena comunidad, a querernos todos, y a no permitir que haya actitudes agresivas o rudas. Si no se puede ser constructivo, mejor no participar.



5. Curb the instinct to attack. This goes both ways: If you are having problems ask for help without being a jerk; If you love Lock On and people slamming it are annoying and make you angry then just ignore them or, even better, attempt to help them instead of attacking them. People want to play the game and when they can't it upsets them. Don't pour fuel on the flame. Most problems have simple solutions that can be shared amoung users. Help out your fellow sim pilot.


Básicamente, sigue con el párrafo anterior sobre la actitud del personal que no es constructivo y se dedica a molestar o crear problemas.




6. Be patient. This patch might appear to be ready in the next few days and then at the last minute we'll find a major problem. It happens all the time in software development. I can't provide you with and exact patch release schedule. It is too variable to predict accurately and after we submit our Release Candidate to Ubi Soft then it is up to them as to when the patch will be made available to the public. I'm sure that Ubi Soft will get it out as soon as they can. Hang in there.


Hay que ser pacientes, ya que el parche podría estar listo en los próximos días, y encontrar un error a última hora. Ocurre constantemente en el mundo del desarrollo de software. Cuando se envíe el parche Release Candidate (casi a punto de ser gold) será Ubi Soft quien se encargue de distribuirlo, algo que compete a Ubi y no a la desarrolladora.



7. I am going to repeat that you need to read the Read Me file. It is also a good idea to review all the documentation contained in the /Doc directory of your Lock On installation. There have been several key command changes in V1.02 so be sure to review the KeyCommands.doc file as well.



Best Wishes,




Repite que se debe leer el nuevo readme del parche 1.02 y la información de la carpeta /doc de la instalación del simulador. También debe tenerse en cuenta los cambios hechos al teclado.






No hay mucho que resumir. Básicamente, son los mismos datos que ya teníamos de anteriores ocasiones, y este texto demuestra que la fase de testeo no ha acabado y siguen las pruebas.

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