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La beta 21 del parche 1.02 para LOMAC promete


Carl también informa sobre la espera hasta el martes para que el parche vuelva al equipo de testeo de Ubi Soft, lo cual les permite tener estos días para continuar realizando pruebas. Los dos problemas que se han encontrado son realmente detalles muy fáciles de solucionar, detalles que tienen un tiempo de arreglo muy corto, el primero relacionado con la puntuación cuando se vuela dos veces la misma misión sin recargarla, y la segunda relacionada con el nombre del piloto en algunas misiones de entrenamiento. Como puede verse, pequeños detalles.

Con las pruebas se realizará un nuevo parche, el 22, que se pasará al equipo de Ubi Soft para el testeo. Como siempre, Carl advierte de que las esperanzas de haber llegado al final del proceso de testeo son muy altas, pero que si se encuentra algún error estos días, deberán seguir con las modificaciones.

Una vez el parche ha sido testeado y se decide su publicación, el equipo de desarrollo (Eagle Dynamics), no tiene control sobre este proceso, por lo que Carl no puede estimar el tiempo requerido para subir el parche a la web de Ubi Soft y a los otros servidores que actuarán como mirrors.

Os dejamos con el texto de Carl C. Norman en relación a todos estos datos. Parece que el fin, por fin, está cerca.


Almost there.We have tested Beta 21 and are generally very pleased. A major problem with memory and crashes in multiplayer has been eliminated. No additional serious problems have been found so far. It would have been a mistake to release the patch without addressing this problem. We want to continue test over the weekend since the earliest that Ubi Soft can begin the process of submitting a Release Candidate for distribution is Tuesday. That gives us a few days more to make sure.Ubi Soft has conducted their review of the V1.02 patch and there are only a few very minor problems that Ubi Soft has asked us to address. Therefore, we will attempt to fix them. They are very minor:1. In the new Mission Scoring window the scores are not reset properly if the user flys the same mission again without reloading that mission. Very minor but since it is a new feature we want it to work properly. 2. Pilot names are incorrect in a few training missions. A simple fix using the Mission Editor will solve this problem. Again, a very minor problem.I don't believe that either of these problems are going to require extensive code changes.We will continue to test Beta 21 over the weekend and then we expect Beta 22 with the two issues above addressed. If Beat 22 passes muster on Monday then we will submit it as our Release Candidate. Again, a word of caution: If we find a serious problem over the weekend with 21 or if Beta 22 has problems on Monday then we will have to have another version and another round of testing.After we submit the Release Candidate to Ubi Soft they will then place it on their servers for distribution and distribute it to the various mirror sites. Eagle has no control over this process so I can't say how long it will take. I hope that they are able to turn things around right away but it will depend upon their schedule and their workload. I have lots of confidence that we are there, but as the past has demonstrated, anything can happen. I still remain very optimistic. Have a good weekend.Cheers,Carl

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