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  1. Holà! briefing 21h, mission 21h15. les skins seront sur le TS.
  2. Puedes hacer su inscritpions a qui: https://escadre-ms.vraiforum.com/t3264-Prenez-part-a-l-aventure-Inscrivez-vous-ici-et-vivez-une-experience-inoubliable.htm?start=15#27854 j’ai bien avancé sur la construction des missions, elle sera prête dans peu de temps... venez nombreux!
  3. Holà sombreros y sombreras! j'espère que les vacances furent bonnes pour vous tous! je viens écrire ici pour vous informer que j’ai malheureusement du retard sur ma campagne Baa Baa Black sheep. en effet, le planning d’un papa pour la seconde fois n’est pas si docile que cela...! de plus, une nouvelle version d’IES est disponible, la 3.6, avec un avantage majeur: une installation facilitée ! lexpression « en un clic et c’est joué » n’est pas si loin de la vérité. Bref, je ne vais donc pas commencer ma campagne ce mois-ci, il me faut attendre d’avoir des soirées stables pour m’y coller, et la campagne se jouera en 3.6. voila messieurs, à très vite j’espère!
  4. Hi guys ! I think we will begin the campaign right after the summer holidays, as so we’ll have a max of participant! stay tuned!
  5. 15 F, eventually we ingress with only 3 rocketters + 5 bombers Nav as fragged, our rocketers VID 3 contacts north of Cairo West, but they eventually think they are US (mistake), and they finish overflying Cairo West. I ask'em to pursue to our target. They destroy 5 AAA et clear us to come and strike our targets, despite the meteors overflying us - they take care of them. We kill lot of ground targets, finishing myself in a hangar 😞 Boba: 2 hangars - 2 migs - 3 il28 Crash KIA Bec: 3 airplane - 4 ground units kerlir: 4 migs - 1 il28 - 1 citern thorg: 1 vhl - 6 airplanes ( il28 5 Migs) Jo: 2 migs - 1 vhl We count : hangars: 2 migs 13 il28 5 unités sol 4 citerne 1 vhl 2 But our recce photographer allows us to say: migs: 17 il28: 5 Hangars: 5 facilities: 3 AAA 6 Rocketters: ricky: 2 mobile AAA - 1 meteor choum 1 AAA cricri 3 AAA Crash pilot KIA Batlina recce: activity confirmed, 4 non-identified + 3 AAA AT LEAST Every living soul landed on carrier.
  6. Muy bien! Espéro que otros companieros will Côme! juanpato, Haukka will help you to install IES I guess; it’s donwloadable from scratch, just follow through the pdf and everything works fine!
  7. Holà todos! venga aqui para proposar usted de participetir a una campaña que está en preparación; pero voy a hablar in inglés, no soy muy bueno en espagnol. so after some very nice exchanges in flight with you guys, I really would like to go on a bit mas, and it’s why I’d like to invite you flying in the Solomon’s island in the next weeks (after your campaign, maybe some rehearsal if you need). let me present it: we all love pappy Boyington stories, the 80’s série, but I’m more interested in the comics that are more following the historical events; so I wanted to share this with my fellow EMS, and I came with this: flying some of the missions from the comics. one thing I think interesting: it will include the trainings (cuz in the comics, they speak about the pilot training). This also will have something interesting for you, kind of realism - you see in my next sentences. my vision is that for about 1,5 or 2 months, we fly twice a week my campaign missions, under il2 IES3.5, dogfight missions, briefing 2130, fly at 2145 (read more below for your “late” tendency, I propose something) it will begin with some training with the F3F, as for you to handle the IES3.5 version, and for everybody to handle some formation flying and attack tactics etc... as i told you about realism, even if IES is an il2 version and not a whole new different game, you’ll need to get used to it and will have few hours of flight with it before going to the combat zone! Same as the WWII pilots! 3-4-5 trainings, then we jump in the p40 kittyhawk as flying tigers for 2 missions (same as in the first book), after that some training with the F4U birdcage at Henderson field, Solomon’s island. For 2-3 trainings? Will not need a lot because of your current f4u campaign.... we’ll be then ready to fight the 204-201 kokutai in 5 missions from Munda airbase, lovely place to live! a little break for aircraft carriers training (1 should be enough thanks to your campaign, again), and 2 missions from the carrier to close the campaign. that’s it. every missions will be ready to fly with no preparation for any group leader, just read the briefing and fly as fragged; my proposition is a global invitation for the whole E69 pilots, but it’s adaptable: if you want to fly blue it’s possible (maybe even better cuz as you fly late, it lets the time for the corsairs to navigate to the targets); if you want to fly other aircrafts that will be in the missions, it’s possible (depending on the mission: sdb, tbf, b24, p40, p39, catalyna). if you are able to fly only once a week, it’s possible. ¿que usted piensas de mi proposition?
  8. hola todos! Debrief for us: Take off, navigation: as fragged, thanks for being aft us We split our flight and ingress toward amiyra for a first section, encountering 2 spit: Jag+ thorg kill one Arsenal kill one Then they attack their airbase For the second section, we attack the airbase and kill some ground targets. Rejoin over roseta, my #4 dies from a AAA bullet, then rejoin with you return to carriers, we manage to land. Boba: 1 ground airplane + 2 hangars Cricri: nothing Ricky: 1 ground airplane Choum: nothing Jag: 1/2 spitfire, 1 ground illouchine + 1 vehicule Thorg: 1/2 spitfire, 2 ground illouchine + 1 vehicule Arsenal: 1 spitfire, 1 ground vehicule thanks for the mission, was very nice!
  9. Débrief for the 15F Should have been ~12 pilots, due to different technical pbm we're only 10 on the deck, and 9 airborne, taking off some time after you not to melte too much in the carriers skies. gathering very low level OK, in trail on you at the ingress, coming to your right flanck but still low level. Surprised to keep a 195° and you medium altitude, but anyway we get to the target. You call Geronimo, and when i see all the flak, i prefer to attack directly behind you to separate the DCA fires. we sink 4-5 ships, lose 1 or 2 planes, and egress to roseta. The spits there attack us, i die from their bullets unseeing him coming. NOt the only one... Only 4 planes coming back to the carrier.
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