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Recogido del Foro de Fighter Ops y disculpad si nolo traduzco enteramente,pero me llena de verguenza entresacar lo siguiente:

"To observe such a process is going to require patience and a little maturity"

Mas o menos el tal Buckshot recrimina a la gente que no tenga paciencia :shok: Paciencia y madurez requerida para observar todo este proceso :shok:


Vivir para ver....




What honestly baffles me is the point to making such posts?


Do people think that by making accusations the developers who have been working their asses off and now are having their integrity challenged by people who obviously have no understanding of what is going on, (mostly because they haven't read the information which has been presented to them), and clearly do not understand software development, are suddenly going to be extra motivated?


Do they really think that by constantly harping for screenshots of features which are not ready yet, that the developers will all drop everything and somehow create those screenshots?


Honestly I really don't understand the motives behind posts claiming that it's all a charade, it's never going to happen, it's going to take x years, based on what? What do people hope to achieve by making such posts. Is it to make them feel better, it surely isn't going to make the developers who have been busting their asses on this project feel any better... Being that the last statement is so plainly obvious, is this their objective? or do they just not think or care before they post?


I don't know how many times I've explained the following, but it doesn't seem to get through to some. With Fighterops you have a unique opportunity, for the first time you are seeing the development of a combat flight simulator from the ground up. You are not first hearing about the sim after it's already in beta, you are seeing all of the progress from the first baby steps through to the complete simulation as it is pieced together.


To observe such a process is going to require patience and a little maturity. For some it may be better that they forget about Fighterops until we are at a stage where most other development teams announce their work, when new screenshots and material are coming thick and fast to satisfy the shortest of attention spans. For others, and I like to believe the majority of flight sim fans, the journey is very much something they want to be a part of. They have the patience and maturity to listen and understand what is going on, they understand that because they want to see a screenshot of "x" module, it may not be ready for screenshots at the time they want to see them, they understand that software development is a time consuming process, that there are often speedbumps and detours which cause delays even in environments where a full time team is working a set, and easily predictable number of hours per week. They understand that there are times during a development project where the team has to knuckle down with boring tasks which don't necessarily produce any groundbreaking news or wizz bang screenshots for a period of time. They understand that the unique development environment which exists with the Fighterops project is a two edged sword. It does make predicting timelines harder, and it can mean longer periods between updates, the other side though is that it is the only feasible environment which can deliver anything even close to what simmers today desire. It has the advantage that there is no outside influence which can shut the project down, the only way the project can be stopped is if the entire team decide to throw in the towel, it also means that we are very definite in what we want to achieve and won't stop until we have achieved that goal, no matter how long it takes.


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Esta gente ha hecho muy mal las cosas desde el principio... con lo facil que hubiera sido seguir un desarrollo normal, dando material, pero trabajando tranquilamente sin estar prometiendo ni gritando a los cuatro vientos que iban a realizar el mejor sim de la historia, que si la siguiente generacion en simuladores y bla bla bla y todo eso... en fin... :rolleyes:

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Guest Darkness

Me remito a mis anteriores comentarios y noticias sobre este tema. Simplemente es vergonzoso el comportamiento de esta gentuza que intenta hacernos creer en los pitufos y en que Nicole Kidman se muere por mis huesitos; esta gente lo que tiene que hacer es mostrar ya una beta o dejar de engañar al personal, porque esto parece la Sagrada Familia.


Pero bueno, que sigan mostrando diseños con el potochop, a mí no me engañan; que muestren material y se dejen de historias, entonces es posible que empiece a creerme algo de ellos. Hoy por hoy mi confianza en su trabajo es del 0,0001%.

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Pues,....acabo de miraren Googley heencontrado esto:


Esto es de Craft animations, pero por lo visto pertenece a Fighter Ops,...y son imagenes en movimiento...Darkness corrígeme o pellízcame..


NO lo habia visto nunca :shok: :shok: Pero es un CGI, esa es una empresa que hace plugins para Maya así que de imagenes In-game nada. Pero oye no está mal, no :shok:



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Guest Darkness

Josaig, eso es un render, además los he visto mejores en la PS2 de mi sobrino, por no hablar de la física de esos ¿qué diablos intentan ser esos aviones? volando, parecen más bien ovnis de los de encuentros en la tercera fase. Si eso es un adelanto de Fighter Operations me quedo con el Ace Combat de la PS2.


Espera que voy a verlo de nuevo...


Sí, intentan ser una mezcla de T-38 Talon y T-45 Goshawk, es como si hubiesen metido los dos aviones en el minipimer y habría salido eso. Ah, rectifico lo de la física, no es mala, es inexistente. ¿Alguien ha visto el comportamiento de los aviones en esos loopings y del humo que expelen? Obviamente al ser un render es lo que pasa.


En fin, ahora mi confianza en Fighter Operations, si hemos de creer ese vídeo-cutre ya no es del 0,0001%, ha bajado al 0,0000001%.


Pero oye no está mal, no :shok:




Deja de fumar esas cosas que no te sientan bien amalahama, tú lo que pasa es que se te pone dura con el primer cgi y la primera hembra que ves por la calle :xd:

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Bueno,otra desilusión mas que añadir al saco,...gracias por la aclaración Darkness.


Un saludo


No le hagas mucho caso, que ya está viejo y no hace más que protestar el tio :xd: :xd:


Lo mejor es ignorar la existencia de tal proyecto, y cuando finalmente salga algo "consistente" anda que ya nos enteraremos todos, sabiendo como son estos yankis haran hasta un BigMac edicion especial, ya veras :xd: :xd:


Y eso implica alejarse un poco de los foros porque la verdad es que te incitan muchísimo a pagar dinero por material lo cual no tiene ni pies ni cabeza. Y te lo dice un servidor que ha estado a punto de hacerlo varias veces :D :D



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Y te lo dice un servidor que ha estado a punto de hacerlo varias veces :D :D




¡¡¡¡¡¡Loco!!!!!!!!! :shok::D:D


Es que son como los hombres estos de gabardinas que se acercan a los niños y le dicen: "¿¿Quieres un caramelo?? Ven conmigo y te dare muchos" :D :D Pero no lo llegué a hacer eh!!!Llevo unos meses desintoxicándome a base de no pisar su foro y de momento voy bien, ya el mono se nota menos :xd:



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