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Mas Ff5 ¡¡


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Ya falta menos!!!

Os pongo como va el FF5 según Aragorn.


"We're usually quite strict about Private Fora posts remaining in the Dev Forums.


However - the patience of the FreeFalcon Community has been fantastic.


Thus - I will copy to here, a post from our Beta Forums.


I will - obviously - not give dates.



T-Rex has plans for a Release Date, and a justification as to WHY that date is good.


I can't share this with you, as it is his perogative.




Hopefully, this post WILL give you a GENERAL idea of where we are, and where we are heading.




1st - Beta_II Release


2nd - Tornado Patch Release (including **edited**)


3rd - Beta_II Patch Release (upgrading "placeholders" and adding bug-fixes)


4th - Release Candidate


5th - RC Test Cycle (Quick cycle)


6th - FF5.0 Public Release



7th - FF5_3DPit Release


8th - FreeFalcon_RIPTiles Release (Tentative)




"1st" -- Beta_II -- is expected around July 15th"

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Qué ganas tengo de que el desarrollo posterior del Falcon lo asuma una empresa seria y solvente como Lead Pursuit, que saque parches con grandes mejoras y añadidos periódicamente, y nos dejemos de tanto desarrollo underground... <_<

















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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Parece que Aragorn y compañía siguen trabajando .... han metido la nueva pantallita para el Harm en el FF5, poco mas que contar del tema... bueno si, que cuando salga esto tendre a todo japon y a toda europa en jaque con mis torpedos.....




Pinta mucho mejor this one:




La foto que pusistes es de una version anterior, el HARM no estaba bien representado, pero en esta ultima si que tiene mucha mejor pinta, algo se cuece dentro de FF5, puede que sea mas interesante de lo que pintaba en un principio, pero sigo pensando que BMS4 sigue siendo más interesante de momento



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mas freefalcon, al loro con el mundo dinámico de FF5

"t is all about entering an IMMERSIVE World. And - that world needs to be DYNAMIC.


It is this BROAD stroke, which FF5.0 will apply to the Falcon World.


In the following Video, you can sample one aspect of this Dynamic Environment, which has NEVER been seen in the 3D World.


Past iterations of Falcon have included this in the 2D World, but - watch whilst - for the first time - this feature "drops in" to the 3D World.




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  • 1 month later...
I see nothing in the Gfx that has changed much from FF4...FF4 was great Gfx improvment with the point ligthing trick and the use of dxmesh ...that's no revolution though, it's still far from LOMAC that is already years old.


You are f***ing amazed by the co-pilot trick ? i'm really not ...tell you why ? ...open your Cockpit 3D model, add some 3D pilot in it...put the head's DOF on the head , Done....okay a little trick in the code maybe to make the DOF work a little differently than the pilot's one...as far as i can see the co - PIlots DOF has been coded to mirror the player's one with some lag....


The idea is cool and perfectly fits into the FF team target to make F4 more immersive.... but nothing AMAZING in itself ...


i'm waiting for more !! sorry if that bothers you , that's my feeling about it


De Mav-jp (desarrollador de BMS). A ver que opinais :rolleyes:



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I see nothing in the Gfx that has changed much from FF4...FF4 was great Gfx improvment with the point ligthing trick and the use of dxmesh ...that's no revolution though, it's still far from LOMAC that is already years old.


You are f***ing amazed by the co-pilot trick ? i'm really not ...tell you why ? ...open your Cockpit 3D model, add some 3D pilot in it...put the head's DOF on the head , Done....okay a little trick in the code maybe to make the DOF work a little differently than the pilot's one...as far as i can see the co - PIlots DOF has been coded to mirror the player's one with some lag....


The idea is cool and perfectly fits into the FF team target to make F4 more immersive.... but nothing AMAZING in itself ...


i'm waiting for more !! sorry if that bothers you , that's my feeling about it


De Mav-jp (desarrollador de BMS). A ver que opinais :rolleyes:



Y que quieres que diga, si realmente tiene algo que puede sorprendernos que nos lo enseñe. Pero que se calle la boca si lo que quiere es criticar a otros que por lo menos sacan a la luz su trabajo, sea de su agrado o no!!!.


Joder con los de BMS!!!!


Larga vida a FF5.

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