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La Nasa Prepara Un Mmo

Guest Darkness

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Guest Darkness

Como sabréis los mmo son esos juegos online continuos, es decir que están 24 horas al día en marcha para conexión, al estilo world of warcraft y otros. Bueno pues la NASA prepara un juego de este estilo. Su título: Astronaut: Moon, Mars, and Beyond. La idea es crear un juego donde los estudiantes puedan conocer los entresijos de la exploración espacial jugando a un juego con retos relacionados con el trabajo en la agencia espacial norteamericana.






Ya me veo a Amalahama volando en el Shuttle camino del espacio al estilo Star Trek :D :D


<h3 class="entry-header">NASA Officially Announces Astronaut MMO, Working With Educators For Content</h3> We reported last fall that NASA had selected Virtual Heroes and Project Whitecard to work on its MMO and saw some early information and details last month that also named Information in Place as a partner, but today NASA has officially announced that it would sign an agreement for the proposed Astronaut: Moon, Mars, and Beyond.


“‘Astronaut: Moon, Mars, and Beyond’ was selected because the three companies involved had a really ideal combination of qualities we were looking for,” Daniel Laughlin of NASA’s Learning Technologies Project Office said in a statement. “They have the right experience, they demonstrated their ability to engage middle school through higher education curricula, and they have extraordinary enthusiasm about working with NASA to make a fun game. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from more than 800 pages of public input, it’s that this game must be fun if it’s going to be of any use for education.”


In the announcement, NASA was careful to point out that the virtual world was being developed without directly tapping in to taxpayer dollars. There was a mild kerfluffle in Spring 2008 after NASA's RFI meeting when some developers assumed that meant NASA was asking them to work pro bono. Instead, NASA is providing assets of its own, including subject matter experts, data, facilities, and more, which will bolster the product and let developers monetize it on their own.


NASA assets will be provided with NASA funding, but the agency says the majority of development costs will be covered by private investments and corporate sponsorships. That fits with the goal of NASA’s Innovative Partnerships Program, which is helping the Learning Technologies Project Office to plan the MMO, of enabling development that benefits NASA in the future and deriving value from its existing assets.


The hope is that Astronaut will both serve as a touchstone for students of higher education in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math) as well as encourage younger users, down through middle school, to get involved.


"When they see that they can use these skills to build something – like a space shuttle or a greenhouse – then they understand why it’s important,” said Sonny Kirkley, CEO of Information In Place. “So, ultimately, teachers will find that a gaming environment makes it much easier to engage students in STEM subjects and provides context for the other things they are teaching.”


The teams are in conversation with universities and professors to make sure the MMO is in line with curriculum. The University of North Dakota’s Capstone Program has already agreed to contribute content and curricula for the spaceship aspects through its Master’s program in Spaceship Design.

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