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Air pistols mini-campaing

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Otra invitación de los chicos del 185th desde UK. (http://www.185th.co.uk/default.asp)

Que sepais que ya estamos apuntados ;)

No queriais actividades, pues dos tazas!!! Ahora me dejais mal como siempre cabrones!!!


Introduction to Air Pistols


The Air Pistols (AP) is a mini-campaign flown as Tactical Engagement in Falcon 4 BMS, where two teams fight each other trying to achieve a campaign goal(s).


Each side has a commander and a staff, who will manage and plan the ground, naval and air war. It runs in turns of 3 hours (fly time) in a 2-week basis (Mondays), where each side tries to knock out the enemy forces and logistic. Destruction of industry, logistic, supply and airbases infra-structure has a direct impact on e.g. the availability of ordnace and resuplies. In Air Pistols, it is not just about hitting your target, you have to bring all your birds home.


The selection of the ORBAT is responsibility of each side's commander: A total of 20 squadrons (fighters, bombers, EW platforms, helicotpers) can be selected for each side at the beginning, with a minimum of 4 F-16 squadrons. Any aircraft can be flown by the AI or human pilots, leading to several tactical and strategy options. Besides, several hundreds of ground and naval units will join more than 600 aircraft to defeat the enemy forces.


Victory is achieved if a pre-defined ground objective is conquered by ground forces or if there are no F-16s available to fly.



Air Pistols 2012 - I


The first Air Pistols will start on February 6th (Monday) at 19:00GMT. Earliest commit time will be 19:30GMT.


The AMVI and the 185th will be leading two teams of several squadrons each in this first edition of AP. The roster of each team will be announced as soon as have all confirmations. Catu (AMVI) and I will be coordinating it.


In order to keep our Falcon 4 BMS experience as smooth as possible, a maximum of 16 humans pilots per side will join each Air Pistols turn (3 hours of war). With a total of 32 pilots plus respective AWACS and the AI flights, we hope that no lag will happen. Catu also told me today that AMVI will have from January on a new server with much more bandwidth, leading hopefully to flawless experience.


We would like to know if there are other squadrons interested in joining the first Air Pistols of BMS!

We need to know how many pilots are available regularly (every two weeks on Mondays) and which airplanes are you able/would like to ramp/fly.

The number of seats are very restricted due to the number of squadrons already involved, so we are looking for a maximum of 4 pilots per squadron.



Tiag (185th) and Catu (AMVI)



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!!Juas!! Mapunto de cabeza.


Hoygan ¿No molaría crear nosotros una internacional como la de Drakko pero a menor escala?


El tito Drakko ya tiene una en la cabeza. Estaba esperando a que se calmara el panorama y bueno... tranqui que ya tengo algo en mente desde hace algun tiempo ;)

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!!Juas!! Mapunto de cabeza.


Hoygan ¿No molaría crear nosotros una internacional como la de Drakko pero a menor escala?


El tito Drakko ya tiene una en la cabeza. Estaba esperando a que se calmara el panorama y bueno... tranqui que ya tengo algo en mente desde hace algun tiempo ;)


Si quieres que te ayude con los briefings ( Fotos, ideas para misiones, etc) me pegas un toque.

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