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Airbus para FS en desarrollo [recopilación]


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Por cierto... busco SOP y checklists REALES de alguna compañía que opere Airbus (Iberia, Vueling...) la FCOM ya las tengo fichadas.


Hay varias en Scribd, pero esta es ahora paga....





Otros dos FCTM, pero no se si seran reales o no:



Edited by Silver_Dragon
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Por si alguien le interesa..... FCOM y FCTM de la familia Boing (737-787)


Pues si que los SOP son chungos de encontrar.... :arge: He encontrado esto, pero no se si es real:


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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hot Fix 018c disponible en el foro Aerosoft Airbus X Extended V1.15.


These files aim to fix/add:

  • Missing Energy Circle
  • No Retard Callout when thrust levers at ldle
  • A321 Lower ECAM FCTL & WHEEL Spoilers numbering
  • Tweaks to FBW auto trim
  • Autopilot now respects VFE
  • Go Around ACC ALT wrong speed bug in NAV mode
  • Small difference in FCU Black Background
  • ADF & DDRMI Fixes
  • Small VS1G Calculation fix
  • Some others that I forgot

Unzip the contents of FSXMainFolder in the attached file to the main FSX folder, overwriting all existing files. This hotfix 018c is intended to be inserted on top of version 1.15.



La verdad es que cansa esto de los updates y hot fixes :arge:



Edited by Red2112
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Bueno, pues me acabo de descargar un tutorial de vuelo para el A320 de AirSimmer para compararlo con el Extended y... el Extended le da como 18.000 vueltas, tiene muchos mas sistemas simulados que el AirSimmer. Si alguien tiene un tutorial de vuelo del BlackBox y me lo quiere enviar podria mirarlo tabien, porque el Wilco, PIC & company mejor ni lo miramos, no?

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Lefteris Kalamaras
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Posted Yesterday, 10:57 AM

Hi all,


Quite a bit of time since we updated you with our status... sometimes it's true that with our heads so deep into the code, it's difficult to come up and take a breath... there's quite a bit of development going on in the Labs, I won't tire you with the same old "it's very complex" reason, but it remains true today. Those of you who have read my status updates in the past will understand that my roots are in programming and development, so my skill set is more honed towards writing code than spreading hype and marketing fluff. As such, forgive me for sometimes forgetting that it's nice to put a little bit of text together for you all, if only just to say a nice hello and give you some heads-up on our status.


So - what's been going on:


We're doing great.


The team is working hard, as always and every new alpha release brings more functionality to our testers and advisers. Technical terms, such as "extended vertical profile calculations", "altitude/speed constraint triplets", "leg fuel prediction variability" are included in our daily discussions. While these discussions might excite me personally (didn't I say my background is in programming and development?), they don't offer themselves as presentation material for public consumption, not just because they tend to be dry in nature (calculating the Dx/Dy step for TCF/TAD predictions is in itself a matter of various US Patents but hardly instagram-worthy), but also because if we attempt to start such discussions in the forum, they have a tendency to diverge significantly into other forms of human fun (such as the displays we had recently).


We have also been working hard on the visual aspects of our simulation product - external model and virtual cockpit have been receiving lots of attention (always with the help of our advisers and testers). As is usual historically in such projects, code programming takes significantly longer than the development of visual elements, but in our case, we use that to our advantage - it's typical that some of our visual work has been done over more than once, as each round of alpha testing might identify elements that we wish to improve upon and beautify.


Why, then, "are we so late"?


Well, we are and we aren't. As I mentioned previously in my past "update" notes, I originally set the bar very high in terms of what we wanted to deliver, but failed to realize how hard that is in terms of development - in the past, all our simulation projects had been done solely with the entertainment market in mind, meaning that we were able to "cut corners" where corners could be cut (to a degree that would allow us to stay within the 18 month development time frame period).


With the A320-X family, we aim much higher - we want our product to be able to deliver proper functionality in so many different areas and each one requires absolute attention to detail. As such, where in the past we'd spend two-three days to develop the cabin pressurization system (for example) and call it "good enough" as a platform, in the A320-X it took us significantly longer to develop, as it tied into the bleed systems, our pneumatic simulation model and also took account of sealant leaks where they might play a role in the real aircraft. It also tied into the electrics wiring - the switches and knobs that control pressurization are properly tied into our electrical grid which meant that work in electrics had to coexist with the development of cabin pressure calculations.


This is but a small example of what attention we bring into our product - but it also means that we can't be accurate in estimating how long each system might take to fully be developed. Thankfully, it also means that when they are complete, these systems are so elegantly done they can be plugged into each aircraft type without requiring much more than the rewiring for each aircraft's input / output requirements.


I have been discussing with our team how we can bring some visual elements to life for you before our product is released. We have a few ideas that we will be showcasing in upcoming posts but for now, I just wanted to write you a small update just to say that we appreciate your continued support (it's amazing how much of that you keep showing us every day) and to ask for your understanding when there's some time between updates - I know it's frustrating, I've been there myself as a customer, but it's even worse as a developer because we're the first to want to give you the fruits of our labor.


That is all for now - I have asked Bob Lyddy, our new QA manager, to keep me honest in providing these updates so if I don't come up with a new one soon, you now know exactly who to blame (see how easy it is to point fingers elsewhere? smile.png ).


Talk to you soon!

Sacado de su FB: https://www.facebook.com/flightsimlabs


El enlace a su foro:http://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/4912-some-news/


Un saludo.

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cierto cierto... aunque por lo menos tiene Vnav que ya es bastante más que tienen otros!


De todas formas es que yo solo busco ya aviones que tengan fallos de servicio. Espero que el nuevo de flightsimlabs lo tenga. Eso de saber que el avión no va a fallar nunca si no le pones fallos programados.. no me gusta.

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Liked · 11 hours ago
I was on vacation last week in Mykonos, Greece - where Aegean were running twice daily flights into the island visible from our hotel. So this evening I took our Aegean A320-X out and admired some of the new texture work our graphics department have been working on. Here's a quick peek for you! -AW



Sacado de su fb: https://www.facebook.com/flightsimlabs


Un saludo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bueno, el A3xx Master Series – A320 de Flight Sim Labs va para largo... se empieza a hablar de que "a lo mejor" en otoño de 2014...

Take Mike's post above as an excellent example of why you will not get any information out of us with regards to a possible release date or timeframe.

We gave an estimate of 12Q4, which was wrong. We underestimated the complexity of the aircraft and the time it would take us to complete. Sure we could have hashed something out and taken peoples money - but there's far too much of that going on in the community these days. Call us old fashioned - and unlike some outfits; we actually prefer to sell a finished product.

I'm locking this thread. Any other topics asking for release date details will simply be deleted without warning from now on.

When the A320-X is finished, it will be released.

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  • 2 months later...


Hi all,

I trust and hope that you've all had a good time during this holiday season - current conditions in Europe and the World don't make for much festive spirit (especially in my home country, where unemployment is so high and people's moods are very somber) but I'd like to always keep an optimistic view and think:

The best is yet to come.

This is certainly true here at the Labs, where our development has been strong and on-going and we're having a great time coding the A320-X.


So - what have we been up to:


We're (still) doing great.


It's been a couple months since my last report and during this time, our development team has passed quite a few (internally set) milestones which bring us even closer to release. Soon enough (uh oh - did I say "soon enough"?) we will be requesting new applications for beta testers (This does NOT mean now - OK?) as our plans bring us closer to release.


As you know, we're delving into previously uncharted waters in terms of Airbus logic development - I can safely say there's been no previous (or upcoming) product in the desktop simulator market which features so many details in wiring, systems and logic, and that is even without the features that are reserved for the training and professional platform releases. Discussions about "Anti-Ice / Packs effects on engine parameters", "pitch variability with trying to maintain 1g under high-altitude conditions", "fluidity of pressure drop when hydraulic systems are disabled" are in the daily regimen of our development process.


As I promised in my last report, however, I will not delve into too much technical jargon this time. As is evident in your posts here and also in our Facebook page, you really want us to give you some new pictures of what our product looks like, so I hope the next few images will give you a glimpse of what we've done so far and what you're going to be seeing when we release our product. (We're still holding back some features for the moment, but those of you with a keen eye will notice some goodies we put together last year)


As always, thank you for your continued support - we really appreciate your candid comments and welcome all your thoughts and well-behaved feedback.


Talk to you soon!


Enlace al foro: http://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F5065-more-news%2F


Para quien no este registrado en el foro aquí tenéis las imágenes en su Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.583339615074345.1073741826.111086188966359&type=1


Imágenes de la VC.
















Un saludo.

Edited by JOSETI
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nuevo video del Airbus de Aerosoft con mejoras en el ECAM.




Preview video of New ECAM of using CLR to scroll through ECAM and clearing the memo. SYS Page Called not yet done and there are other very obvious bugs (such as Fire button should be spingloaded and CLR button flashing) ...



Y varias capturas de dias previos:





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