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esto... guauuu. Por Toooski...... :whistling:

En reddit hay rios de tinta sobre el articulo de la revista PcGamer
han subido las fotos del articulo...
Ademas, la conferencia Britizencon de desarrollo, con miembros de SC haciendo una ponencia.


Han extraido lo siguiente del articulo por la gente de Reddit....


2.6 will launch Star Marine as separate module just like Arena Commander, this was also played a gameplay stage was demonstrated by staff to PC Games and they are saying it's much more polished on the FPS side and feels a lot better than current rudimentary FPS in the PU. - Interesting side-note: they talked about map->s in plural.

2.7 will bring procedural planets and you will be able to travel the whole stanton system and all planets and moons can be directly approached down to the surface.


  • They say the new lighting system as part of the procedural planets build looks much more natural.
  • They say that approaching the planet looks and technically feels better than with Elite Dangerous.
  • You can land anywhere manually, automatic landing gets you to fixed positions i.e. landing zones.
  • Microtech and Hurston come in follow-up patches after 2.7
  • They aim to have Stanton fully playable i.e. with all stations and landing zones (according to CR about 40 locations) by end of 2016
  • There will be more jobs and missions as well.
  • Trading will be in by then, specifically purchase and sale of goods should play a more important role
  • Chris describing that missions accepted up in space stations could lead you eventually down to planet surfaces, not clear if this is going to be in with 2.7 but seemingly something SQ42 will benefit from.
  • Planets and moons are revolving around suns, with naturally simulated day and night cycles.
  • When flying over the ocean they were noticing that the horizon had a correctly simulated curve.
  • Trees and Animals seemingly are planned (edit: doesn't seem to be in with 2.7, sorry) - they have them seemingly setup in pre-made templates they call eco-systems - these can be brushed over the planet surface, some magic blends the transitions to make it look naturally and consistent.
  • Planetary surface and topograhy details are controlled by a dynamic LOD system.
  • Some pop-up was visible during the planetary approach but they described it as impressive regardless.
  • They were also impressed with the cloud system, which wasn't just a simple texture layer but seemingly is described what I assume would be volumetric, i.e. they have deepth and height and impact visibility, leading to mountain crests piercing through clouds and valleys being covered.
  • They are writing that there isn't any artificially restricted view range, visibility is rather a result from the volumetric calculation of the athmosphere.
  • Parallax-Occlusion maps with dynamic tessellation is used for the surface details.
  • GTX 980 was used with 100 fps on the planetary surface, so performance seems to be pretty good already, sorry, that was just editor performance - in-game performance was 45fps :)
  • They mention that subsumption AI is going to allow NPC to form independent decisions based on environment and situational context. They then write that subsumption AI is also being used in real life for programming robots with human like behaviour. (they don't really clarify what exactly they mean)
  • Some stuff about the subsumption-AI saying NPCs might have hobbies and possess their own virtual mind, allowing them to remember and be influenced in their opinions by the player. To avoid performance issues, they seemingly control the update cycles for NPC AI based on player proximitiy i.e. update cycles go to 1hz instead of 60hz if no one is around.
  • There was also a part about server architecture, how they intend to improve upon it in order to sustain more concurrent players in the same server zone. target is to reduce the numbers of instances.
  • They intend to mesh servers together in order to form a huge cluster, the necessary optimisations are already being coded into star citizen, accordingly they also should yield some marginal performance improvements on the client side.


  • One of the journalists wrote in his opinion piece that the gamescom presentation is going to drop some jaws to the floor. (just a mild disclaimer: it isn't clearly written if he has actually seen it or just speculates)

  • He also wrote that he was positively surprised that all employees at Foundry 42 Frankfurt he had the chance to talk with, seemed truthfuly grateful to be able to work on the project and the challenges it brings along. The journalist specifically points out, that the enthusiasm didn't feel faked.

  • The acticle has a small footnote saying that Brian Chambers pointed out repeatenly that all pictures still represent WIP.




I was thinking about doing a translation, but it is solely about the pressure of handling such a project and Chris getting lost in endless sentences. That interview could have fit into one column, but that's Chris: Once he started talking, he is talking. And talking. And ta ....

The last answer was quite interesting though. He understand why backers and players are concerned about the state of the game and the pace of production, and he admitted that they could have just a chosen a different approach to develop Star Citizen. He explains that Frontier decided to release a very basic game and expand the game from there towards the final product while the players support the ongoing production by buying addons and season passes. With the ongoing and constantly increasing financial support CIG receives they decided to set a final production goal and approach the goal directly.

Chris explained that both approaches are viable, but that the first approach - release a basic game and then go from there like Frontier does it - simply shifts the workload into the time after the initial release and creates a lot of extra work because you have to redo entire gameplay mechanics and technologies along the way. Chris used an analogy here: When you build a castle, you can either build the castle directly, which will take more time than just building a house, or you can start with house and expand it into a castle, but you will have to demolish and rebuild parts of the house in the process. CIG decided to take the second approach and develop the game properly with the final production goal in mind, and Chris believes that this approach will result in a better game.

Again, nothing of that is new information, so I decided to not translate the interview.


Edited by Silver_Dragon
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Quien se crea que star citizen va a ser un mass effect a tamaño galactico que se baje de la nube. Tendrá bases repetidas, planetas clones, mecanicas repetitivas y un largo etc. Sé de primera mano que el proyecto se ha tambaleado por intentar hacer algo imposible, el 3D es astronomicamente caro y el presupuesto se pule muy rapido, sobre todo si quieres calidad Call of duty en cada rincón de un sandbox a esta escala.

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No, sólo es curioso que hables de que el SC tendrá cosas clonadas cuando el MW3 dio el cante precisamente porque los modelos de edificios y demás eran clonados del 2...
Aparte que los graficos del cod hoy en dia (IW) están bastante desfasados comparado con otras franquicias... (por muy monos que fueran en el mw1)


Pero bueno, argumento puesto y entendido.

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Por Ciudadano estelar. Han puesto el articulo de PC Games a partir del 1:47:00 con los datos del articulo de la revista sobre los parches 2.6 (Star Marine) y 2.7 (planetas prodecimentales, Lesky, Microtech y Hardstonw, con 40 localizaciones, misiones en planetas como en el espacio), se espera para octubre.


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  • 2 weeks later...

StarCitizen transmitiendo en directo en la GamesCom


Creo que están usando la version 2.5 o 2.6 para el Stream, porque hay nuevas zonas "grises" y una "galeria" de ventas (llenas de vehiculos) en Arc Corp, que puede producir accidentes de trafico con los buggies (y reapareces en una cama del hospital).

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De la gamesCon 2016.

- Space marine para 2.6

- Concept de la lanzadera Terrapin

Para fin de año esperan tener la Alpha 3.0
-Profesiones basicas confirmadas (comercio, transporte de carga, pirateria, mercenarios y cazarecompensas).

-Tecnologia planetaria

-Expansión del sistema stanton

-Implementación del sistema de IA

-Avances en varias tecnologias (sistemas de objetos, multiplayer, sistema de misiones)


El traje tiene ahora combustible y oxigeno.

Moviglass con video incorporado para misiones.

IAs en la estación olisar.


Nuevas pijaditas para la Freelances (escalera / un hud en toda la pantalla)

- MiniStar map para elegir destino


Theramar tiene una plataforma ocupada por gente externa a la UEE


Entrada atmosferica implementada

Musica ingame segun situación

NPCs que te dan misiones (aceptables)

- Misión de recuperación de la caja negra de una Starfarer (aparece con daños catastroficos y hay que entrar en el interior para recuperarla). Hay piratas dentro y hay que entrar a tiro limpio. Tripulación muerta y congelada (por el vacio del espacio)

- Despues de recuperar la caja negra le "manda" a recuperar una carga robada, y remata un pirata por el camino.... y nos mangamos una moto dragonfly, metiendola en el departamento de carga de la freelancer.

- Bajan hasta la luna donde está la base pirata y para no dar el cante sale con la moto..... y aparece un "mako" que cosen a tiro la freelancer y la dragonfry. Otro "mako" mas acaba tambien cosido a tiros de camino a la base.

- duelo a pistola con los guardias.... y "limpieza" de la freelancer. Nos "lajamos" una caja y para la freelancer. Y van y nos pillan los piratas :D al llegarnos el video del "jefe".


¿alguien habia dicho algo de mass effect? :icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen:

Edited by Silver_Dragon
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