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Nuevo dueño de Falcon 4?


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Se está negociando con ellos el tema de los derechos, no se como irá ahora mismo la negociación. Mientras tanto, los enlaces para descargar BMS están capados.



Regarding 4.33 download links and related site content changes


Hi Everyone:


You may have noticed that the post and associated thread for accessing the 4.33 install materials has been removed from public view. This is we hope a temporary measure.


The original Falcon 4.0 game has transferred to new ownership. The BMS group has been contacted by the new owners pointing out among other things that references to Atari being the owner are no longer correct. We are discussing this and related licensing issues with the new owners and we hope to have a resolution satisfactory to all shortly. In the meanwhile the owners of Falcon 4.0 have asked for removal of the links to the 4.33 installer and also to correct any statements in the web site here that incorrectly state ownership of Falcon 4.0. The BMS group is cooperating with those requests in service of reaching agreement with the new owners.


Thus the BMS group has requested of this site's admins and moderators that some changes be made to the site content where Atari was previously referenced and as of right now there is no offer a link to installer materials.


The BMS group would appreciate it if members of the community would also refrain from sharing or posting links to the 4.33 installer and avoid making reference to Atari as the owner of Falcon 4.0 (aside from in historical context). Support of the community in this matter will likely help simplify reaching the appropriate agreements with the new owners of Falcon 4.0.


We expect this situation to be temporary and soon resolved. As more information becomes available we will of course share that. In the meanwhile, we appreciate your patience and support.

Edited by Drakko
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Se ve que los dueños desde 2013, cuando compraron varios paquetes de software y entre ellos estaba el Falcon, son unos tales Tommo Inc, que lo comercializan en GOG.com y en Retroism, como ha puesto Angel. Dudaría mucho que le pongan muchas trabas a BMS cuando resulta que el Falcon 4.0 lo regalan como bonus en el pack Falcon en esas dos webs, pero no lo vende por separado. Al fin y al cabo, ¿quién va a comprar Falcon a estas alturas de la vida si no es para volar BMS?

Edited by Galahad78
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No sé... tenemos todavía un par de reuniones pendientes con los de Benchmark y es posible que lo tengamos resuelto y de nuevo listo para descarga ...


... en 2 o 3 semanas. :icon_mrgreen:



A todo esto, se os ha vuelto a olvidar la puerta del foro abierta por la noche. Tened cuidado que se os puede colar cualquiera!


PD: La llave de debajo del felpudo no la quitéis, que cada 6 años me viene bien! :xd:

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Pues muy liado con el trabajo y cosas personales, pero quería pasar a mandaros un saludo, y sobre todo a daros las gracias por mantener viva la comunidad, que es lo más importante!


Espero que esteis todos por lo menos igual de bien que yo, que no es poco!


Un fuerte abrazo a los dos y saludos a todo el escuadrón!

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