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Noticias y novedades M-2000C


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Pues acaban de igualar la version release a la Open Beta del viernes pasado y han sacado otra Open Beta nueva, la que comentan que SI llega con estas actualizaciones, asique me lo vais a permitir, yo me actualizo a la Open Beta por ahora XD


Para ello, si alguien quiere actualizarse a la Open Beta, es tan facil como hacer esto:


Abrir desde cmd la direccion donde tengamos la carpeta bin, y escribir lo que deseemos:



DCS_updater.exe update @release -- para volver a la version release

DCS_updater.exe update @openbeta -- para actualizar a la version Open Beta


http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=114030 aqui teneis toda la info

Edited by Zaz0
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Con el nuevo parche, hay un par de cosas cambiadas del startup, si no me acuerdo mal:

  1. El selector del ventilador ya esta posicionado en un lado, solo hace falta checkearlo.
  2. El switch de Fuel Cutoff, o corte de suministro de fuel (creo que se dice asi en español), esta en "cortado", hay que cambiarlo de posicion.
  3. Hay que realizar el test del FBW, en el panel izdo a la izda casi del todo, el switch con guarda roja que esta a la derecha de dos luces cuadradas roja/verde, de forma que lo dejais en test y se enciende la verde, lo volveis a colocar y ya esta, sino tendreis la alarma DECOL.

Luego, Tarres me ha comentado un par de cosas (Para los editores):


Si no veis los pilones donde "cuelga" el armamento, es por que han quitado los matra de ED, ya solo estan los buenos, y algo han debido de tocar, basta con rehacer el payload del aparato, o supongo que re-guardando la mision con la nueva version.


Si meteis el eclair, hay que editar manualmente el numero de contramedidas en el payload para que cuadre, añadir 16 de cada (128 chaff, 32 flares en total)

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Gracias Zaz0,


Lo he estado probando. Un par de puntos:


- El FBW check se tiene que hacer antes del arrancado de motor. Si se hace despues, la luz de DECOL se mantiene encendida aún despues del test y salen las lineas del HUD diagonales indicando el avion no esta listo para volar.


- Por cierto, he observado que ahora al rodar en tierra los alerones tienen como una especie de movimiento oscilatorio raro. No se si antes ya lo tenia, pero no me parece normal.


- El Eclair simplemente añade mas contramedidas no?


- autolock CCM funciona mejor que en la mision del jueves ;)





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Gracias Zaz0,


Lo he estado probando. Un par de puntos:


- El FBW check se tiene que hacer antes del arrancado de motor. Si se hace despues, la luz de DECOL se mantiene encendida aún despues del test y salen las lineas del HUD diagonales indicando el avion no esta listo para volar.


- Por cierto, he observado que ahora al rodar en tierra los alerones tienen como una especie de movimiento oscilatorio raro. No se si antes ya lo tenia, pero no me parece normal.


- El Eclair simplemente añade mas contramedidas no?


- autolock CCM funciona mejor que en la mision del jueves ;)






Es cierto lo de los alerones, nose si es intencionado...


en este video si se ven moverse ligeramente, sobre el 04:15 o asi,




El eclair te permite llevar mas contramedidas, pero te imposibilita el uso del paracaidas de frenado.

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Pequeño patch arreglando unos bugs...me gusta ver que se lo toman en serio! Larga vida al innombrable!





Hey guys our update is in the latest 1.5.3 Open Beta update 6 today so here is a simple change list. This update was all various bug fixes. Once it goes live I'll move it to the title post:


- Added community provided keyboard/joystick bindings

- Fixes for relaxed stability behavior (affected FBW and Aerodynamics slightly) watch controls indicator, wing is now more efficient in a turn as a result so may need to remove/modify previous tuning that was based on previous behavior

- Fixes for landing to fix ground effect behavior and lack of aerodynamic breaking. Also increased wheel braking power to a more accurate value.

- Fixed various CCM and Radar issues

- Fixes to AP in selective altitude taking too long to converge on target altitude and increased commanded vertical rate

- Fixes to AP for not initially going to correct maximum roll limit

- Fixes to AP for causing odd behavior when allowing speed to reduce below AP threshold speed (125 knots)

- Fixes to PCA behavior based on various issues with Magic 2 and Rockets

- Fixed some various devices that were not using the correct type of power source

- Fixed drag on rocket pods

- Fixed VOR/ILS morsse code heard even when off or volume at 0

- Fixed cold start mission not having correct payload definition

- Fixed issue with symmetrical payload definitions not having other wing tank working

- Fixed duplicate entry of flashlight, now using DCS default definition

- Fixed TrackIR movement limitations to be more correct for the cockpit size

- Fixed throttle movement limits for keyboard commands

- Fixed control flutter isssue on ground below 90 knots

- Updated auto-start to ensure all DECOL (Takeoff Authorization) requirements met





Edited by Typhoon
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Chuck acaba de actualizar su magnifico manual con los puntos siguientes:

-Air-to-Air refueling section added
-HUD logic changes reflected
-Cockpit layout fixed and new switches added
-Corrected some typos
-Added a Buddy Lasing section to practice GBU strikes with JTACs
-Modified control setup to better reflect new radar changes
-Further explained radar modes (TWS, RWS, STT)
-Corrected Start-Up procedure
-Added IFF section

-More stuff added that I'm too lazy to remember


El link de descarga es https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-uSpZROuEd3WnVhcm5hTUJOTjg/view.

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Para el 3 de junio se espera tener las nuevas funcionalidades de control de CCM como en el Hotas real.


Después de esto, prácticamente solo quedarán los futuros modos AG a medio o largo plazo:


Informacion por aquí.




No se prevén cambios este viernes, supongo que habrá una actualización para estandarizar las tres versiones.

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Explicación de porque algunas veces se pierden las fijaciones de los contactos cuando se les dispara un misil:




Originally Posted by CrashO viewpost.gif
I get a good lock on TWS, get in the kill range, switch to STT. Fire.. target is still in front of me, few seconds, radar contact gonzo..
Is this a bug, expected behaviour, or am I just failing? smartass.gif
This is not a bug, this is expected behaviour.
The contact is lower than you (= in ground clutter) so your radar use doppler filter.
And then he beams you = goes into the blind zone for your radar, which lose lock.

Try again while being lower than him! wink.gifEvery doppler radar suffer from this flaw, some less than others but they all do. When a target is below you with an aspect angle close to 90 degrees its speed, projected on the axis that join your plane and the target, is near zero and the radar is using this speed to differentiate the target's echo from the ground
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Folks, the PPA is now active and will be included in the next update.


These are the active features at this time:



  • MAGIC IIs now have a lifetime of 90 minutes since start of flight on the ground, 80 minutes if you start in the air.
  • MAGIC IIs can be placed in STANDBY mode in order to increase their lifetime.
  • Activating the MAGIC IIs take 30 seconds and decrease the lifetime by 10 minutes.
  • If the MAGIC II lifetime reaches 0, the missile becomes inert and cannot be launched.
  • Super 530Ds also have a lifetime but this one is counted in hours so there is no immediate effect in DCS.
  • Super 530Ds can be placed in STANDBY mode. STANDBY mode is SOP for ferry flights and AAR.
  • Activating the Super 530Ds take 45 seconds.
  • Missiles that are in STANDBY cannot be launched.
  • All missiles will be active from the beginning when you start in the air. Otherwise they will go thru the activation process.


  • Bombs now require fuze selection.
  • By default, in both ground and air starts, the bombs are in SAFE (INT, meaning INERTE, which is French for INERT) mode. In this mode the bombs will NOT explode under any circumstances.
  • You MUST select a fuze option before release, either RET, meaning RETARD, which is French for DELAY, in this mode the bomb will penetrate before exploding; or INST, meaning INSTANTANÉ, French for INSTANTANEOUS, in this mode the bomb will explode on contact.

The other PPA options will also be enabled in due time, but these ones are going to be available in the next release.




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y mas cositas para el proximo update..







Okay folks these are the latest for the PPA:

TOT/PAR button functionality is now enabled.

- Super 530D: you launch BOTH missiles at the same target. There is a 2 seconds delay between each missile launch.
- Rockets: you fire ALL the rockets in both rocket pods with a single trigger press. If you carry rockets in the outboard pylons, those will be fired first, to fire the inboard rockets you will have to press the trigger again.
- Guns: Will keep firing as long as you keep the trigger pressed.

- Super 530D: Only one missile is launched.
- Rockets: Only one rocket is fired from the selected pod. Pod selection is automatic.
- Guns: You fire a burst for each trigger press.

At this time by default the TOT/PAR selection is PAR.

For AA Missiles there is now a delay between pressing the trigger and actual launch:
- MAGIC II: There is a 0.50 seconds delay.
- Super 530D: There is a 0.80 seconds delay IF the radar is in STT mode. If the radar is in TWS mode, the delay will be 1 second. The radar will automatically switch from TWS to STT (it will also switch to HRF if in ENT) before the missile is launched. These delays apply to both TOT and PAR firing modes. The Super 530D will NOT launch if there is no locked target.
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Y se supone que actualizan la 2.0 también. Dicho por Wags. Imprescindible que corrigan el atasco en el taxi en las dos campañas Red Flag. La del F-15C tiene solución abortando el taxi y así por lo menos tu wingman te sigue. Pero la del A-10C no hay forma, acabas volando solo contra el mundo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hostia... nunca habia pensado en ello... los sistemas de los misiles tienen una fuente de alimentacion propia? estan conectados al avion durante el vuelo?, se desprecintan al montarlos en los pilones y llega un momento en que se quedan sin bateria? anda que si caducan como los yogures durante una mision jejejejej

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Si hijo si,caducan como los yogures o por lo menos eso pone aquí no?



Folks, the PPA is now active and will be included in the next update.[/size]These are the active features at this time:[/size]Missiles:


  • MAGIC IIs now have a lifetime of 90 minutes since start of flight on the ground, 80 minutes if you start in the air.
  • MAGIC IIs can be placed in STANDBY mode in order to increase their lifetime.
  • Activating the MAGIC IIs take 30 seconds and decrease the lifetime by 10 minutes.
  • If the MAGIC II lifetime reaches 0, the missile becomes inert and cannot be launched.
  • Super 530Ds also have a lifetime but this one is counted in hours so there is no immediate effect in DCS.
  • Super 530Ds can be placed in STANDBY mode. STANDBY mode is SOP for ferry flights and AAR.
  • Activating the Super 530Ds take 45 seconds.
  • Missiles that are in STANDBY cannot be launched.
  • All missiles will be active from the beginning when you start in the air. Otherwise they will go thru the activation process.


  • Bombs now require fuze selection.
  • By default, in both ground and air starts, the bombs are in SAFE (INT, meaning INERTE, which is French for INERT) mode. In this mode the bombs will NOT explode under any circumstances.
  • You MUST select a fuze option before release, either RET, meaning RETARD, which is French for DELAY, in this mode the bomb will penetrate before exploding; or INST, meaning INSTANTANÉ, French for INSTANTANEOUS, in this mode the bomb will explode on contact.
The other PPA options will also be enabled in due time, but these ones are going to be available in the next release.[/size]



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Estados del INS según la clase de alineamiento (por Zeus). Me gusta ver que los de RAZBAM estan cumpliendo lo que decian:



Originally Posted by silentconvo View Post

Hey Zeus could you quickly elaborate of the differences in performance differences of the different alignment classes? Does a longer alignment reduce the amount of drift? and/or affect the accuracy of your initial positions? "



Cold and Dark with an unaligned INS, the aircraft is lost. The INS will give the wrong Lat/Lon coordinates for aircraft position and thus will be useless for navigation. The gyro compass, which control the HSI, ADI, HUD and VTB heading indicators will also be lost and assume that the geographic north is somewhere else.


The first 4 minutes of alignment is for the aircraft to find its true position and for the gyro to align itself to the geographical north.


At 4 minutes, you reach Class 4 alignment. That means that the gyro precession now creates a drift error of 4 nm/hours.


Each class reduces the drift error by 1 nm/h. So Class 3 = 3 nm/hour, Class 2 = 2 nm/hour and Class 1 = 1 nm/hour.


For emergency take-offs such as base defense, a Class 4 is the bare minimum.


To put an aircraft in QRA status, a Class 2 alignment is required minimum before the aircraft is put in QRA. QRA disconnects the electrical system to all the aircraft except for the two AC and DC emergency buses.


In the case of the INS driven heading indicators, there is an auxiliary independent gyro magnetic compass that can provide heading signals to the indicators.


This gyro has a three position switch:

Off: No heading signal is sent to the heading indicators.

Normal: The system automatically switches between the INS and the AUX gyro in case the INS is damaged. If the INS is unaligned, this position does nothing.

Aux: The heading indicators are controlled by the auxiliary gyro.


The AUX gyro is not to be used for waypoint navigation, etc. Its signals are not used for navigation at all. It just drives the heading indicators, bypassing the INS. So all waypoints coordinates, bearings, and other navigation aids are basically useless since they use the damaged INS gyro. The AUX gyro always provide magnetic heading and is there so you can get your aircraft back home after your INS gets damaged.


(Hilo del post http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=156925&page=246)

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Ale, a estudiar!


Changelog for 2016-06-24

Flight Model:

  • Added FBW reset (just reset trim right now)
  • Added rudder trim paddle functionality
  • Added possible loss of LRF4 if over G for stores mode
  • Beginning of auto-stop sequence
  • Approach autopilot hold work
  • Added joystick/keyboard bindings
  • Added throttle limit movements for keyboard throttle control
  • Added all requirements for DECOL to go away to auto-start
  • Added force feedback gain tuning available in ForceFeedback.lua
  • Fixed: Don't cause control flutter below 90 knots and on ground
  • Fixed issue with forcing of symmetrical loadouts for wing tanks breaking old payloads and breaking default loadout definitions
  • Fix for delayed response in AOA limiter when returning stick to neutral after hitting AOA limit
  • Fixed drag for rocket pods
  • Fixed relaxed stability behavior, also fixed AOA limiter behavior in some cases as well as helped landing/takeoff behavior
  • Fixed auto-start warning for engine not in throttle off position
  • Fix for main fuel pumps requiring AC power
  • Fix for lag in pitch correction
  • Fix for sometime breaking nose gear when you shouldn't
  • Fix for AP when AOA > 18.0 not reducing pitch properly
  • Fix for initial AP bank limit not 60 degrees
  • Fix for AP response for altitude control
  • Fix for pitch control to maintain precision without being too sensitive
  • Fix for braking power when moving
  • Fixed CHARGES required for LRF4 rockets loaded
  • Fixed of heading mode change type while in AP mode causing aircraft to turn
  • Fixed sudden change of control authority causing control stutter when gear going down, now gradual change
  • Adjusted cockpit view for better TrackIR movement
  • Adjusted gear reaction for better braking power
  • Adjusted fuel flow schedule for more correct fuel economy
  • Adjusted minimum afterburner fuel flow
  • Tiny adjustment to nose gear
  • Gear adjustment for better takeoff/landing behavior
  • Update for wing being too efficient after relaxed stability update
  • Update for odd FBW behavior with high pitch rate and continuous pitch rate command through 300 knots not providing full authority
  • Updates to collision model and gear configuration to correct dynamic reaction behavior
  • Updated control indictor to show FBW yaw control
  • Improved filtering of sensed parameters to FBW model
  • Improvements for correct takeoff speeds
  • Improvement to auto-start reliability
  • Improved brake control
  • DECOL only shows up with both main and nose WOW
  • Increased length of bingo sound and bingo does not induce amber warning sound (has it's own)
  • Require both nose and main gear WOW for DECOL warning to work
  • Better air braking and ground effect modeling
  • Battery depletion bug fix
  • Reduced lag on rudder control
  • Autopilot now using flight path control instead of pitch control
  • Corrections to yaw control lag and authority
  • Increased roll AP responsiveness
  • FPM now on horizon when WOW
  • Wheel damage speed tolerance updated
  • Shell code for dynamic tire damage due to leaving parking brake on
  • Offset radalt to show 0 when on ground
  • Corrected brake mode logic
  • Gear should go up/down at same rate


  • Fixed being able to hear VOR/ILS morse code even when off or volume at 0
  • Fixed PCA issues with rocket pods
  • Fixed CTD with outboard rocket pods
  • Fixed Only DC power required for radios
  • Fixed PCA/PPA indicator not off in cold until battery cycle
  • Fixed PCA MAGIC selection bug
  • Fixed PPA default values & triggering bug fix
  • Fixed radar P symbology on the VTB reversed
  • Fixed Jettison: pylons disappear with selective (not with total)
  • Fixed radar doesn't preheat on the ground if switch on SIL or EM
  • Fixed radar continues to provide (some) guidance after being switched off
  • Fixed Some input commands not working
  • Fixed vertical elevation of radar is shifted down when locking
  • Fixed ECM logic (switches & lights)
  • Fixed rockets jettison (trunk)
  • Fixed Super 530D jettison: pylon
  • Fixed Electric system Red flood lighting should work with DC power only
  • Fixed radar is forced Off instead of P on the ground
  • Fixed Electric system VTH, VTB, PCA and PPA should not work on DC power only.
  • Fixed cockpit lightings & controls
  • Fixed Rockets Burst/Continuous fire mode
  • Fixed S-530D (PPA) Auto/Man
  • Fixed ECS COND now in correct initialization position
  • Fixed Flashing of FREIN when gear coming down
  • Fixed CROSS light when parachute deployed
  • Aircraft now kicks out of APP mode when weight on nose wheel
  • Added more community based key bindings
  • Initialization with cold has Pitot-Static heat to OFF
  • Initialization with cold has VOR/ILS and TACAN to OFF
  • Initialization with hot on ground has VTB to ON
  • Initialization with hot on ground has ECM and RWR to ON
  • Initialization with cold has ECM/RWR mode select to STANDBY
  • Initialization with hot on ground has Nav, Anti-Collision, and Landing Lights to ON
  • Initialization in all cases has ECM/RWR volume to 70%
  • Volume dial for ECM/RWR now driving volume of ECM/RWR sounds
  • Updated TACAN to allow channel 0 to 9
  • INS Mode Selector now in correct click direction
  • CDVE (FBW) Test switch now has 3 position switch logic
  • Added New CCM options
  • Added MAGIC Coolant management
  • Added 530D Prep and Stby
  • Added MAGIC Prep and Stby
  • Added Bomb fuzing
  • Added Bomb release.
  • Added Delay time for launching missiles
  • Added 530D Missile Selector functionality.
  • Added Auto STT when launching 530Ds in TWS.
  • Added 530Ds do not launch if there is no radar lock.
  • Added Guns burst/continuous fire.
  • Added Guns firing rate selector enabled.
  • Added Fixed outboard rocket pods HUD bug.
  • Added Salvo fire notification in HUD
  • Added Rockets TOT/PAR functionality
  • Added Rockets firing method.
  • Added Abort launch feature
  • Added INS update: bullseye selection.
  • Added INS Alignment update
  • Added INS Auxiliary Gyro Enabled
  • Added INS Damage
  • Added INS Data entry and validation (WiP)
  • Added INS Data entry (WiP)
  • Added INS Flightplan update (WiP TBT)
  • INS Drift Error (WiP)
  • INS Status and Keyboard lights update

Aircraft Particular Options enabled:

  • TOT/PAR default value
  • Rocket burst count
  • Laser code for GBUs (Not enabled)

Aircraft Special Options enabled

  • INS not requiring alingment
  • Disabling gyro drift for INS

External and Cockpit Models:

  • Removed duplicated Ada Chambreis livery
  • Fixed police light missing halo + lightened zone to enhance
  • Rudder trim paddle clickable (rudder trim control needs tuning still)
  • Trim mode dial clickable and texture fixed for secondary mode
  • Trim secondary mode stick animated
  • Trim hat on stick animated in normal mode
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