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El SuperPack 4 para Falcon 4 está casi listo


La lista de mejoras va más allá de lo que pueda ser un parche clásico. Este Superpack es de nuevo un Quantum Leap, un salto cuántico, en cuanto a mejoras y prestaciones. Todos los elementos del simulador se han visto potenciados. Gráficos, sonido, IA, meteorología, campaña dinámica, etc. Por no hablar de más de cien nuevos aviones, vehículos y armamento, con sus texturas y su comportamiento realista según sus características.


Pero téngase en cuenta que también se incluyen varias versiones monoplaza y biplaza del F16, y, atención: ¡¡¡Cabinas del A10 Warthog, F/A18 Hornet, y F/A22 Raptor, completamente volables!!!


También aviones antiguos de los años setenta, barcos de todo tipo, gran cantidad de nuevos objetos, y un manual en html.


Realmente, nos mordemos las uñas para ver y probar esta nueva joya en la simulación. ¡¡Larga vida al Falcon!!


Os dejamos el texto original en inglés explicando todos los detalles:



Daniel 'BrownSnake' Fahlén, 2004-02-02

announcements. Falcon pilots,



It's been a long wait, but SP4 is just 'round the corner. No really. :)



Last night the beta testers received the 6th release candidate, and if there are no showstoppers, this will be the release version. SP4 will weigh in at 130Mb. 120Mb is all new content, and the other 10Mb are unchanged from SP3.



Mark Bush (aka Frugal) posted a condensed list of SP4 features on his forums today, and I thought I'd mirror it here for all to see.







The addition of over one hundred new planes, vehicles and munitions. This includes 3D models and textures, apropriate flight models and loadout configurations, squadron creation, and game mode configurations (TE, Dogfight), therefore creating a unified, complete and theatre-independent database of weapons, weapon systems and aircraft to allow seamless integration of additional theatres. Most notable features are:



The inclusion of most variants of the F-16 (incuding two-seaters)



The addition of separate 3D cockpits for the A-10, F/A-18C and F/A-22A so that you will get matching 3D cockpits when flying these planes!



Beautiful new models for many key planes in the Korean theatre, such as the F-5, F/A-18D, SU-27, MiG-29A and MiG-19.



New planes such as the Mirage 2000, F/A-18E, or MB-339CD of Frecce Tricolore fame.



Older planes for usage in classical theatres such as Vietnam (e.g. A-4, A-7, F-100, F-105, F-4 and variants)



Many, many ships.



All major current and past weapon systems (missiles, bombs).



A large re-population of all the theatre objectives, including towns, villages, industrial complexes and airbases. The latter now also feature improved parking spot data, using different parking spots for smaller or larger aircraft and making the spawning of aircraft well before take-off a reality.



A complete rework of all hitpoint and damage properties of all entities (so that a single AK-47 normally won't be able to take out an A-10 with a few shots or that a single bomb won't destroy a aircraft carrier anymore)



A vastly extended Tactical Reference, also included as illustrated HTML for easier browsing, searching and printing.



Optimisation of missile flight models



Improved flight formations



Reworked Air Tasking Order, improving the mission generation and tasking in campaign mode.



Hundreds of additional data fixes (e.g. plane shadow sizes).

There will be a list of download mirrors on this site as soon as SP4 is released to the public.



Lots of people worked very hard to make SP4 happen, (I'm not one of them) and we truly hope that you will enjoy the ride.



Stay tuned...

Puedes ver toda la información pinchando http://f4ut.frugalsworld.com/'>aquí.

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