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Everything posted by papa_Osi

  1. Según esto eso parece . Con tantos updates tengo un lío que ya no se que decirte. Por que la gente tiene unas ganas locas de llevar la WWII al entorno de DCS, entre los que me incluyo con mis 50$, por que se lo han montado de pena. Mírate el enlace de la kickstard y así te aseguras. Saludos.
  2. Nuevo update a falta de cuatros días para que finalice la campaña. En este último dan prioridad a los que apoyan el proyecto, para así conseguir el objetivo de los 150.000$ y del Me262. También permiten otra forma de pago a los que tengan problemas con el Paypal The Battle of the Stretch Goal, Part II - Changes!Update #9 We've had a very lively discussion after my update yesterday. Thank you everyone who chipped in. We are going ahead with the changes we've suggested. It appears that a large majority of current backers support it, and many people who have not yet backed the project are also for it. The change does not affect ANY backer of ANY level. Your pledge, your rewards, and the planes you receive in the initial release are exactly as previously stated. This is a change only to the free version of DCS WWII available to non-backers. We strongly believe that making this change will, in the end, provide for a better WWII flight sim series to all project backers. Why do this? A decision is only as good as the data it's based on. Based on what we projected before the campaign began, we believed the old way was the best way to go. Seeing the campaign as it actually ran, we realized a change was needed. Why do this now? We would have likely reduced the number of free aircraft in the initial release in any case. Doing it while the Kickstarter campaign is still gong is the most transparent way to do this. We are letting you know what the project is exactly so you can make the most informed decision about backing it. If we were to make this change six months from now, some backers and many non-backers would surely wish they had backed this project differently. Will this change again? No. If you'll notice, none of the changes made during the kickstarter affect the actual development in any way. We are making the aircraft, working on the landscape, writing single-player scripts. That's the actual project development. None of that changes. A kickstarter pledge is a contract between the backer and the developer. We have to deliver the features and the rewards as promised. We have to deliver the product you backed. The features, the plane list, the number of flyable aircraft you receive per pledge, all those things are set in stone and will not, can not change. In the end, our overall obligation is to the project. It is envisioned as a start of a new simulation series. This is what we want. I'm sure that this is also what the backers want. Our job is to ensure that not only do the backers get the sim as described in the initial release, but that we also deliver a healthy product that will survive and grow and give our backers a better, longer, more varied flight sim experience. That is the main reason for this change. So, the free non-backer version of DCS WWII will now contain one aircraft, to be voted for by backers after the kickstarter ends. THIS CHANGE AFFECTS ONLY THOSE WHO DO NOT BACK THE PROJECT. If you back the project at any time before the funding period ends on October 5th, your content and all rewards will be as previously stated. Here's what you'll be able to fly: $0 (non-backer): ONE aircraft (either P-47, Spitfire, or Bf.109, to be voted for by backers) $1: THREE aircraft (P-47, Spitfire, and Bf.109) $20: FOUR aircraft (P-47, Spitfire, Bf.109, plus one more of your choice) $30: FIVE aircraft (P-47, Spitfire, Bf.109, plus two more of your choice) $40: ALL aircraft (all aircraft in the initial release) Let's get that Me.262! The stretch goal is well within reach. We're almost half-way there already! If you have not yet pledged, now is the time to get up to SIX DCS P-51 level aircraft for only $40. Only four days left! Also, we're working hard to have PayPal options ready for those who cannot pledge via the options available on KickStarter. We're working to have an easy storefront interface and streamlined rewards.
  3. Buenas tardes rataValencia. Yo, después de arrancar el motor del Spit sigo el siguiente procedimiento. Paso adelante, mezcla rica y manifold practicamente al ralentí. Radiador cerrado. Cuando las temperaturas están dentro de los parámetros, abro completamente el radiador y carreteo hasta que comienzo el despegue. A partir de ahí, despego con toda la chicha metida y el paso todo adelante(paso corto). Una vez en el aire ajusto el manifold y después el paso entre 2600-2700 vueltas. Siempre que inicio el carreteo abro a tope el radiador, porque me ha ocurrido que después de estar haciendo el taxi con el radiador cerrado aun abriéndolo a tope justo antes del despegue, me veo nada mas despegar con el motor gripado y sin explicación. En teoría no veo nada raro en lo que estas haciendo. Lo de reducir el paso, no influye para nada en las temperaturas del motor, lo único que perderás tracción en los primeros compases del despegue, cosa que es vital es esa fase. También ten en cuenta que el Merlin se calienta en seguida. Saludos y espero no haberte liado mas aún.
  4. El objetivo de los 100.000$ ya ha sido conseguido . Tenemos nuevo update donde se han modificado los objetivos siguientes, fijando para los 150.000 $ el Me 262 A1 y una campaña para este avión. Hello everyone, We're almost there! We've almost reached the goal. That is amazing. I think the backing pace slowed down a bit because everyone feels that the base goal is pretty much there, but the very next stretch goal is so far it's virtually unreachable. We need smaller stretch goals, and we need to make them good. I've asked about this in the comments yesterday and received overwhelming support. The thing is, after the base 100K we are hitting the no-internal-funding zone. Features begin to cost what they really cost. We need to raise a lot more money for individual line items. 150K seems like a very reasonable stretch goal to add, but we can hardly do anything for the extra 50K. Definitely not a map and definitely not a whole new plane. The only thing we can try to squeeze in for the 50K is a cockpit for the 262, and that's only because we are already doing the AI version. So, the new stretch goals will be as follows: 100K: Base 150K: Flyable Me.262A-1 jet fighter 275K: Normandy map extended North to include Southern England (up to but without London) 425K: Flyable B-17 Moving the 262 up allows us to create an attractive stretch goal at the lowest cost possible of all. This pushes back the flyable B-17 by the same 50K, but I think it's worth it. Please help us get there! If you've already backed the project, please consider increasing your pledge. If we all put together, everyone who pledged $40 or higher gets the Me.262 for free in the initial release! And if you have not yet backed, please consider doing so. Even backing at the $1 level helps. That still gets us a little closer to our goals, and most importantly shows the overall level of support. This project is not just about the dollar amount, but about community support. The number of backers shown next to the project is extremely important! We're currently at 1,378 backers and $97,293. If we can get to 2,000 backers by the project's end, even if that means only adding a single dollar from these new backers, that is still going to be an amazing showing. Please remember that backing at even the $1 level allows you access to backer-only updates, polls, and discussions. We will be interacting with the community a lot in the months between the end of the KS campaign and the initial release. We are currently discussing our 3rd party content development options internally. A decision will be reached next week as to the exact extents, but some level of involvement is virtually guaranteed. We will almost certainly do a backer-only something, perhaps an SDK, perhaps some other tools. So backing at even the $1 level will allow you to either get directly involved in modding and expanding the game, or just to access the internal updates on the progress. Thank you everyone for your support and for your enthusiasm. Let's keep pushing forward! PS Some of you noticed that the P-51s in the previous update had no weight with the gear struts fully extended. Everyone responsible has been dealt with. Struts have been compressed. Apologies extended. En este enlace tenéis toda las información sobre el kickstarter con los nuevos tramos. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/508681281/dcs-wwii-europe-1944
  5. El foro del ATAG se ha mantenido muy activo para apoyar el proyecto. El propio Bliss ha planteado, si se alcanza el objetivo de los 100.000$, rifar unos pedales de la hostia entre los que dejen constancia en su foro de la donación hecha. Aquí tenéis el enlace http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5635.
  6. Impresionante . Va ha dejar el listón muy alto.
  7. Nuevos Tramos de la KickStarter DCS: World WW2 1944
  8. Nuevo update donde se habla del mapa de Normandia y del nuevo motor gráfico de DCS, el EDGE. Many of you have been really waiting for it, so here it is! We’re showing the new EDGE landscape engine today, and meeting the people working on it. Please keep in mind that the Normandy terrain is in the very earliest stages of development. The terrain engine itself is very mature, but is missing some features needed for a proper WWII simulation. So that’s where we started our terrain design. We are using the famous Pointe du Hoc location to test everything we need: bunkers, trenches, and bomb craters. We are doing that with a few simple placeholders and a few low-res textures. Our Normandy still needs most of the French 1940s buildings, airfield structures, and proper French countryside textures. All of those, while time consuming, are no-brainers at this point. Making and placing objects, or texturing terrain, are the kind of tasks the team has done before while making landscapes for helicopter and pilot training simulators. Once we have our bunkers and craters done and tested, the rest of the project is rather routine. Unfortunately, as the other landscapes done in EDGE were done as commercial projects, we are unable to show any part of that terrain. Normandy is the only thing we can show, and it is clearly nowhere near finished. We are also not at the stage where planes can fly over Normandy. We really tried to have a Mustang in a Normandy field today, but ran into some issues, and decided not to delay the video for it. Once we have those tests done, we’ll definitely release those shots. With that in mind, here’s the video: Nuevos Tramos de la KickStarter DCS: World WW2 1944 Saludos.
  9. Al final si se consigue el objetivo de los 100,000$, tendréis el tan esperado avión norteamericano multiroll, ese pedazo de P-47.
  10. En el peor de los casos, si has soltado 20$ tienes acceso al P-51 o al FW-190 de DCS. Si sueltas a partir de 40$ tienes acceso a los dos, con lo cual nunca te vas a ir con las manos vacIas. No hay que olvidar tampoco que es un proyecto en colaboración con los de The Fighter Collection, que han demostrado su buen hacer con el P-51. Cuántas empresas, quitando a los The Fighter Collection, están haciendo algo para DCS dentro de la WWII. De momento ninguna y no creo que se mueva nada. Estudios como los de A2A que tienen toda una colección de clásicos de la WWII para la FSX no se han dejado querer, y no creo que arriesguen nada porque están muy cómodos en un entorno que ya conocen de sobra, como es el FSX. Cuando apoyas una iniciativa como esta, la finalidad que le das a tu dinero es para que se consiga alcanzar ciertos sueños, ideas o proyectos, y por eso todos somos conscientes que los posibles retrasos que pudieran existir, que existirán, o las posibles variaciones que pudieran producirse, que se producirán, son relativamente menos importante. Al final queramos o no, esta cambiando la forma en la que se financian los estudios que se dedican a esto de la simulación.
  11. Se confirma lo del B-17. Esperemos que esto se empiece a animar. Sería una lastima que no se alcanzará por lo menos el objetivo de los $100,000, sobre todo por que detrás de estos proyectos no deja de haber un análisis sobre el potencial mercado que puede tener un producto. Si no sale adelante creo que nos tendremos que despedir de tener un sim de la WWII al nivel de DCS. Tendremos el P-51 y el Dora desangelados durante mucho, mucho tiempo. http://www.kickstart...wii-europe-1944 $375,000 Everything at the previous level, plus: A flyable Boeing B-17 Normandy map extended to include Southern England
  12. Se confirma lo del B-17. Esperemos que esto se empiece a animar. Sería una lastima que no se alcanzará por lo menos el objetivo de los $100,000, sobre todo por que detrás de estos proyectos no deja de haber un análisis sobre el potencial mercado que puede tener un producto. Si no sale adelante creo que nos tendremos que despedir de tener un sim de la WWII al nivel de DCS. Tendremos el P-51 y el Dora desangelados durante mucho, mucho tiempo. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/508681281/dcs-wwii-europe-1944 $375,000 Everything at the previous level, plus: A flyable Boeing B-17 Normandy map extended to include Southern England
  13. Debo tener un trastorno mental de esos gordos, muy gordos . Oigo P-47, Bf-109, Spit y ya se me afloja la cartera. No obstante me gustaría que saliera adelante, porque el DCS a nivel de la WWII esta muy parado y esta es una buena iniciativa para que empiece a cobrar forma. Aparte nos guste o no, el Il2 1946 es una creación de ellos y es un sim que a todos nos a deparado muchos buenos momentos y en el COD nadie sabe lo que pasó entre bastidores para lanzar lo de esa forma tan chapucera. Ahora con el Team Fusion se esta empezando a ver la potencialidad que tiene este sim. Saludos.
  14. WW2 ya se acerca al 57% En el último update hay dos cosas interesantes, la primera es que están pensando mover hacia arriba el B-17 y crear un detallado mapa de la costa sur inglesa para realizar misiones de bombardeo, así como la referencia a los vídeos que quedan por mostrar. http://forums.eagle....&postcount=1131 Quote: Originally Posted by baronWastelan That alone would be sufficient to convince many to back a DCS WWII series. Has there been any contact with Boeing to find out the licensing requirements and costs? Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl I'd really like to have English airfields to takeoff from and land on. With a brit accented ATC, of course. And wind sacks ^^ I'm starting to think we might need to shuffle things about a little bit. We'll try to change the immediate next stretch goal, and make it a flyable B-17 and British airfields. Move all other stretch goal aircraft one tier up. We'll talk this over and have a decision for you within a day or two. Also going to work on adding some more attractive backer rewards. Quote: Originally Posted by Mogster ROF has a relatively small Channel map, it stops South of London so avoiding the problems surrounding modelling the whole city. People seem very happy with it. http://riseofflight.....r-22-28th.aspx There were quite a few WW2 airfields South of London. Oh trust me, I'm very familiar with southern England Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl * atm we don't have a proper WW2 wingman AI - main point being the wingman needs to stay with the leader all the time. Will RRG or ED work on this? RRG does not currently have a dedicated AI programmer. We could theoretically look into hiring one for this project, which would probably give us tons and tons of cool stuff over the course of the project, but I really don't know how to budget for that. We're already pretty far out there for a stretch goal. I'm kind of cautious about adding too many tiers or too many options. If I add, for example, and intermediate "improved AI" stretch goal, all as a part of all additional stretch goals, that might turn off some other people, and make it seem like the aircraft they really want are too far away. ED has programmers too, of course. We however do not have a current plan for AI improvement. Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl * will AI be able to see through clouds in EDGE? (like it is now) No clue at this point. Quote: Originally Posted by Charly_Owl Luthier needs to show us more videos. I'm not talking about small talk in the local coffee shop... I mean Artwork, WIP, anything concrete that stimulates our fertile imagination! I understand he appeals to the passionate flight simmers that we are, but he needs to look further and convince other people by showing concrete examples (pictures and videos, please!) of what these guys are capable of. The current project presentation and fighter collection videos are nice, but they're not gonna cut it. Not by a long shot. This new video is basically introduction part 2. Nick Grey is a hugely important part of this project, but it felt like putting him in the initial video made everything way too long. It's also not about passion but about our relationship with TFC. This has immediate, direct, and unique impact on the product. We have access to the actual aircraft and the actual pilot. That's not sentimentality or small talk at all. These are the precise reasons why DCS: P-51 is the best prop simulation available today. I have another talk video all put together, which I foolishly planned to release as video 3, but I realized the error of my ways while uploading video 2 this morning. Video 3 will be a detailed look at EDGE. Video 4 will be a detailed overview of aircraft modeling in DCS. Video 5 will be a video QnA, and then video 6 will probably be the thing I planned for Video 3. I also have to point out that it's all just me. I write the scripts, I direct, I shoot, I edit, I release, I discuss. I don't have a marketing staff, anything like that. I'm learning as I go. Hopefully I can do enough to reach at least one stretch goal in the next 30 days. Please don't let the fact that I'm not a marketing professional or a filmmaker influence your opinion of myself as a game developer!
  15. WW2 ya se acerca al 57% En el último update hay dos cosas interesantes, la primera es que están pensando mover hacia arriba el B-17 y crear un detallado mapa de la costa sur inglesa para realizar misiones de bombardeo, así como la referencia a los vídeos que quedan por mostrar. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1867547&postcount=1131 Quote: Originally Posted by baronWastelan That alone would be sufficient to convince many to back a DCS WWII series. Has there been any contact with Boeing to find out the licensing requirements and costs? Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl I'd really like to have English airfields to takeoff from and land on. With a brit accented ATC, of course. And wind sacks ^^ I'm starting to think we might need to shuffle things about a little bit. We'll try to change the immediate next stretch goal, and make it a flyable B-17 and British airfields. Move all other stretch goal aircraft one tier up. We'll talk this over and have a decision for you within a day or two. Also going to work on adding some more attractive backer rewards. Quote: Originally Posted by Mogster ROF has a relatively small Channel map, it stops South of London so avoiding the problems surrounding modelling the whole city. People seem very happy with it. http://riseofflight.com/Blogs/post/2...r-22-28th.aspx There were quite a few WW2 airfields South of London. Oh trust me, I'm very familiar with southern England Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl * atm we don't have a proper WW2 wingman AI - main point being the wingman needs to stay with the leader all the time. Will RRG or ED work on this? RRG does not currently have a dedicated AI programmer. We could theoretically look into hiring one for this project, which would probably give us tons and tons of cool stuff over the course of the project, but I really don't know how to budget for that. We're already pretty far out there for a stretch goal. I'm kind of cautious about adding too many tiers or too many options. If I add, for example, and intermediate "improved AI" stretch goal, all as a part of all additional stretch goals, that might turn off some other people, and make it seem like the aircraft they really want are too far away. ED has programmers too, of course. We however do not have a current plan for AI improvement. Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl * will AI be able to see through clouds in EDGE? (like it is now) No clue at this point. Quote: Originally Posted by Charly_Owl Luthier needs to show us more videos. I'm not talking about small talk in the local coffee shop... I mean Artwork, WIP, anything concrete that stimulates our fertile imagination! I understand he appeals to the passionate flight simmers that we are, but he needs to look further and convince other people by showing concrete examples (pictures and videos, please!) of what these guys are capable of. The current project presentation and fighter collection videos are nice, but they're not gonna cut it. Not by a long shot. This new video is basically introduction part 2. Nick Grey is a hugely important part of this project, but it felt like putting him in the initial video made everything way too long. It's also not about passion but about our relationship with TFC. This has immediate, direct, and unique impact on the product. We have access to the actual aircraft and the actual pilot. That's not sentimentality or small talk at all. These are the precise reasons why DCS: P-51 is the best prop simulation available today. I have another talk video all put together, which I foolishly planned to release as video 3, but I realized the error of my ways while uploading video 2 this morning. Video 3 will be a detailed look at EDGE. Video 4 will be a detailed overview of aircraft modeling in DCS. Video 5 will be a video QnA, and then video 6 will probably be the thing I planned for Video 3. I also have to point out that it's all just me. I write the scripts, I direct, I shoot, I edit, I release, I discuss. I don't have a marketing staff, anything like that. I'm learning as I go. Hopefully I can do enough to reach at least one stretch goal in the next 30 days. Please don't let the fact that I'm not a marketing professional or a filmmaker influence your opinion of myself as a game developer!
  16. Primer update: Good morning, First of all, a giant thank you to all backers and supporters. We are extremely pleased with the initial level of support. However the pace has significantly slowed down over the weekend. We will look to add additional more attractive rewards, as well as provide more content that hopefully draws more people in. We have a short new video this morning that focuses on our relationship with the Fighter Collection, Europe's largest private collection of flying WWII aircraft. We are extremely fortunate to have full access to the aircraft we simulate and the men who fly them. This is something I have not had in my older projects. Becoming involved with DCS made me realize how sorely this was missed. With DCS WWII we will have the best of both worlds, both the most accurate and detailed historical data we can find, and the intangible seat-of-the-pants knowledge. Aircraft modeling in a modern flight sim is incredibly complex. The flight modeling, the aerodynamics, is extremely complicated on its own; and that's just one of the many components that all need to be done well in order to create a good simulation. There are also many internal systems of various complexities: fuel, hydraulics, pneumatics, guns, cannon and other weapons, cockpit gauges, gunsight, the electrical system, and so much more. This is where the help of the real pilots is especially needed. Historical manuals may tell you a few dry steps, but they don't have the real meat: how long it takes the system to respond when you move the lever, or what happens if you don't. These are the things that add both to the project complexity, easily tacking on a couple of extra months for testing and finetuning, and of course to the project fidelity, creating a flight sim that's infinitely more accurate and precise. We are extremely fortunate to have access to the Fighter Collection and many of their friends, and we are infinitely grateful to Nick Grey for his blessing and his support for DCS WWII: Europe 1944. Please watch the video:
  17. Primer update: Good morning, First of all, a giant thank you to all backers and supporters. We are extremely pleased with the initial level of support. However the pace has significantly slowed down over the weekend. We will look to add additional more attractive rewards, as well as provide more content that hopefully draws more people in. We have a short new video this morning that focuses on our relationship with the Fighter Collection, Europe's largest private collection of flying WWII aircraft. We are extremely fortunate to have full access to the aircraft we simulate and the men who fly them. This is something I have not had in my older projects. Becoming involved with DCS made me realize how sorely this was missed. With DCS WWII we will have the best of both worlds, both the most accurate and detailed historical data we can find, and the intangible seat-of-the-pants knowledge. Aircraft modeling in a modern flight sim is incredibly complex. The flight modeling, the aerodynamics, is extremely complicated on its own; and that's just one of the many components that all need to be done well in order to create a good simulation. There are also many internal systems of various complexities: fuel, hydraulics, pneumatics, guns, cannon and other weapons, cockpit gauges, gunsight, the electrical system, and so much more. This is where the help of the real pilots is especially needed. Historical manuals may tell you a few dry steps, but they don't have the real meat: how long it takes the system to respond when you move the lever, or what happens if you don't. These are the things that add both to the project complexity, easily tacking on a couple of extra months for testing and finetuning, and of course to the project fidelity, creating a flight sim that's infinitely more accurate and precise. We are extremely fortunate to have access to the Fighter Collection and many of their friends, and we are infinitely grateful to Nick Grey for his blessing and his support for DCS WWII: Europe 1944. Please watch the video:
  18. Nuevos datos que hacen referencia a los módulos de DCS donde por 40$ tienes acceso a todos los aviones que saquen, incluidos el P-51 y el FW-190 de DCS. De esta forma por 40$ tienes amortizada la inversión. http://forums.eagle....&postcount=1053 Evening everyone! Quote: Originally Posted by SiThSpAwN Can you clarify the free flyables from the licensed ones, is there going to be free ones (or one like DCS World), it seems a little confusing right now... FREE for everyone: P-47 Spitfire Bf.109K Paid on release P-51 (from DCS World) FW-190D (from DCS World) If you back at a $20 level, you can pick a P-51 or FW-190D. If you back at a $40 level, you will have both. If you already own a DCS World P-51 and/or FW-190, then obviously no one wants you to have to pay for anything twice. If we reach stretch goals, then the story changes. Free aircraft list will most likely not change. Backing at $20 still gets you one of the larger variety of paid aircraft. $40 or above still gets you ALL of the initial flyables. None of the aircraft released in future updates are covered by any of this. Quote: Originally Posted by Mainstay I also want to ask Ilya to reconsider making a G serie along with the K. Either a G6/8 or 10 would be great. I like the G. It's just we currently can only make one variant of the 109, and we picked the K as we have the best data on it. I don't want to make empty promises or vaguely hint at something, but I really liked having multiple variants of the same plane in my older projects. The overall process is much simpler. Once we have the K, making the various Gs and maybe the F should be comparatively simple. Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl Don't know, if it has been posted already, but the 100 USD backing reward states: printed manuals for 2 planes, in the description it is only 1 manual. The sidebar description is the most correct. Sorry about the confusion. I'm still unable to edit the description, getting the limit reached error. I guess I'll just honor the bigger rewards in every case, and deliver the maximum or the combination of any two tiers with errors in descriptions. Quote: Originally Posted by zaelu I hope the map can be extended a bit more... we are used to 800+km across map . We can extend the map to the entire globe, but manually adding detail will be extremely hard to do. We can have all of England done for the map in virtually no time, but it'll be a general coastline filled with vague generic field. It really makes no sense to spend time making British airfields if you only have AI bombers; a flyable B-17 will obviously need to have a nice-looking airbase to take off from and return to. Quote: Originally Posted by horseback The size of the map is a bit of a disappointment (expectations can be a biotch), but It looks like we'll get a territory reaching approximately from Cherbourg to Le Havre and a good bit south--assuming that my Google Earth distance thingie is accurate. Still, even in 1944, Normandy was a lot 'busier' than the Black Sea area, especially if they have to make time to create new landmarks, vehicles, buildings, ships as well as the aircraft flight models at the level advertised. The way I understand EDGE - and I have to mention that there is a chance that I can be wrong here - is that we can take an existing map and just drag out the outer edges and extend it by any number of kilometers. Creating generic terrain with a vague coastline and some elevation is not a huge task. Making it look good is. Making it historically accurate, i.e. recreating road networks, landmarks, etc, is a huge huge effort. We could take our existing Normandy and tack on England and Paris and Ruhr and Berlin. Theoretically. It's just it'll either take many man-years to polish every square mile, or we'll end up with some empty generic filler across vast areas. And THANK YOU to all the backers once again. We'll have a new cool video released on Monday morning. I'll be around until then to answer questions, so keep them coming! Este tema ha sido editado por papa_Osi: Hoy, 10:54
  19. Nuevos datos que hacen referencia a los módulos de DCS donde por 40$ tienes acceso a todos los aviones que saquen, incluidos el P-51 y el FW-190 de DCS. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1863250&postcount=1053 Evening everyone! Quote: Originally Posted by SiThSpAwN Can you clarify the free flyables from the licensed ones, is there going to be free ones (or one like DCS World), it seems a little confusing right now... FREE for everyone: P-47 Spitfire Bf.109K Paid on release P-51 (from DCS World) FW-190D (from DCS World) If you back at a $20 level, you can pick a P-51 or FW-190D. If you back at a $40 level, you will have both. If you already own a DCS World P-51 and/or FW-190, then obviously no one wants you to have to pay for anything twice. If we reach stretch goals, then the story changes. Free aircraft list will most likely not change. Backing at $20 still gets you one of the larger variety of paid aircraft. $40 or above still gets you ALL of the initial flyables. None of the aircraft released in future updates are covered by any of this. Quote: Originally Posted by Mainstay I also want to ask Ilya to reconsider making a G serie along with the K. Either a G6/8 or 10 would be great. I like the G. It's just we currently can only make one variant of the 109, and we picked the K as we have the best data on it. I don't want to make empty promises or vaguely hint at something, but I really liked having multiple variants of the same plane in my older projects. The overall process is much simpler. Once we have the K, making the various Gs and maybe the F should be comparatively simple. Quote: Originally Posted by tintifaxl Don't know, if it has been posted already, but the 100 USD backing reward states: printed manuals for 2 planes, in the description it is only 1 manual. The sidebar description is the most correct. Sorry about the confusion. I'm still unable to edit the description, getting the limit reached error. I guess I'll just honor the bigger rewards in every case, and deliver the maximum or the combination of any two tiers with errors in descriptions. Quote: Originally Posted by zaelu I hope the map can be extended a bit more... we are used to 800+km across map . We can extend the map to the entire globe, but manually adding detail will be extremely hard to do. We can have all of England done for the map in virtually no time, but it'll be a general coastline filled with vague generic field. It really makes no sense to spend time making British airfields if you only have AI bombers; a flyable B-17 will obviously need to have a nice-looking airbase to take off from and return to. Quote: Originally Posted by horseback The size of the map is a bit of a disappointment (expectations can be a biotch), but It looks like we'll get a territory reaching approximately from Cherbourg to Le Havre and a good bit south--assuming that my Google Earth distance thingie is accurate. Still, even in 1944, Normandy was a lot 'busier' than the Black Sea area, especially if they have to make time to create new landmarks, vehicles, buildings, ships as well as the aircraft flight models at the level advertised. The way I understand EDGE - and I have to mention that there is a chance that I can be wrong here - is that we can take an existing map and just drag out the outer edges and extend it by any number of kilometers. Creating generic terrain with a vague coastline and some elevation is not a huge task. Making it look good is. Making it historically accurate, i.e. recreating road networks, landmarks, etc, is a huge huge effort. We could take our existing Normandy and tack on England and Paris and Ruhr and Berlin. Theoretically. It's just it'll either take many man-years to polish every square mile, or we'll end up with some empty generic filler across vast areas. And THANK YOU to all the backers once again. We'll have a new cool video released on Monday morning. I'll be around until then to answer questions, so keep them coming!
  20. Se crea una especie de cuenta en Amazon con tu aportación. Si llegan al objetivo marcado en el plazo fijado te lo descuentan de tu cuenta, en este caso el cinco de octubre. A partir de ahí, realmente no te dan ninguna garantía de que acaben el proyecto ni en el plazo ni en su forma. Para mi que he soltado 40$, lo concibo como una apuesta para que empiece a cobrar forma la WWII en el entorno de DCS. Si el proyecto termina en buen puerto tendré como mínimo mis tres aviones y un entorno de la WWII que ya empezaría a cobrar forma. Mas que una cuestión de confianza es el deseo de tener un sim de la WWII al nivel de DCS, con las reservas que tengo hacia parte del equipo de desarrollo, llámese Oleg, pero espero que se compense con la participación de Fighter Collection. Este es el problema endémico de este sector, donde hay muy pocos estudios que se lancen a hacer proyectos de este tipo, con lo que al final no te queda otra opción que confiar en los mismos de siempre, siendo consciente de donde pueden terminar tus 40$. Esto es mi apreciación personal. Saludos.
  21. Para los amantes de los molinillos, tener simulado al nivel del P51 los iconos de la WWII es un sueño orgásmico.
  22. Gracias Kakuton por el aviso. Al final hoy no puedo estar. Trataré de participar en los entrenamientos para no meterme en la campaña sin tener ni idea. Saludos.
  23. Gracias Pon por el aviso. Hoy tengo mas complicado lo de poder meterme, no obstante mas tarde lo confirmaré. Saludos.
  24. Yo intentaré estar mañana. Me podéis asignar el roll de mediocentro estorbo, o de piloto kamikaze contra las bases rojelias, porque otra cosa no sé hacer. Para unirse a la campaña supongo que te tienes que registrar en la página de los HR. Saludos.
  25. Apúntame como improbable discontinuo. Trataré de estar a la altura de la gloria de lo valerosos pilotos azules. Saludos.
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