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Everything posted by SR7

  1. Maquetas? Eran aviones reales, de hecho uno de los pilotos/camarógrafo murio en la filmación de la película: http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Art_Scholl [Mode Mendeku ON] Ya hay uno y que le da mil vueltas a la original Al menos a mí me gusta más http://bit.ly/n4C9NY Te adjunto un wallpaper de la peli y todo [Mode Mendeku OFF] Pues te voy a decir una cosita... Yo la he visto, y para tu asombro, vale más como peli de aviones, que como peli porno... Solo digo eso. Es mala, mala, mala, mala incluso para ser "X" Entonces pasemos esta en 3D..
  2. Me gustaría entrar en la patrulla, cumplo todos los requisitos, pero vivo en Argentina Bueno, una pregunta, el Phantom Control se puede usar con cualquier simu o solo con el Flaming Cliffs 2? Gracias, un saludo y mucha suerte con la PAV, sigan así son el orgullo del E69
  3. SR7

    Grite Aquí

  4. Airbag? Para este tipo de cosas (y los movimientos en la cabina) usan casco
  5. Airlines, part of a cargo plane disappeared at sea near Cheju Island's authorities are engaged in the search. Search operations are not so good weather conditions are struggling. Connect the reporter. Sinyunjeong reporter! How many years when the aircraft lost contact jjeumin going? [Report] Asiana Airlines Boeing 747 Freighter is the control center in communication with the lost 10 bunjjeumipnida 4:00 a.m. today. The aircraft 3:05 a.m. today, leaving Incheon International Airport to Pudong China, about 100km southwest of Jeju Island on his way was lost at sea. Aircraft, causing more than the gas was turned back to Jeju International Airport has been handed down as you were. Maximum 52-year-old captain in the aircraft model, such as seeds and the first officer to two 44-year-old was driving this mode seed. Aviation authorities, the official "target aircraft from radar suddenly know Marwan security since the position until now has not been confirmed," he says. The official aircraft, Air Traffic Control Center, the center of the radar track disappeared from radar added. Asiana's side in this regard assemble an emergency meeting to figure out the current situation is, and establish measures. Accordingly, the military and the Coast Guard ship, including four 3-ton gyeongbiham Chuck mobilized helicopters and is currently engaged in search operations. However, because of poor weather conditions in the search operation is said to be struggling. Social Affairs is now in the YTN sinyunjeong. Fuente: http://translate.google.com/translat...%26ptype%3D011 __________________
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