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Limit Theory


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Limit Theory is a space RPG, described as an open-world procedural sandbox game written in c++ and OpenGL. It is currently in development after a successful Kickstarter campaign launched in late 2012.

Its expected release date is in early 2014, though a prototype may be available for testing as early as March 2013.




Edit Players can play in either first- or third-person point of view, commanding their vessels from within or directing from outside. It is not designed as a quest or mission oriented game, but rather one full of exploration.

Missions will be added, but they are not necessary to progress.

Single player, users build their fleets by amassing wealth, primarily through mining and trading. Interacting with a wealth of NPCs, players can assume a variety of different roles, from an Admiral to a Mercenary.

The size of a player's fleet is only limited by the amount of resources they are able to obtain, and fleets can be sent off in different directions to perform various tasks.

The Universe Edit Unlike many other space-faring games,

Limit Theory has no boundaries to run into. There is no edge of the galaxy, as the game's algorithms generate a universe of infinite size to explore and interact with. The rich expanses will be populated with planets, stars, asteroids, and everything one would expect from space travel.


Procedural Edit ProceduralContent Everything is procedural content! The game is presented as being "procedural". What does this mean? It means that virtually nothing in the game is a static, manually created model; rather, objects players encounter are created "on the fly". This opens up a nearly limitless variety of universes to explore. Even the space stations are procedural!

Edited by Vakiwey
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Sigo el desarrollo desde hace algún tiempo, aunque no el suficiente, ya que cuando acudí a la web de kickstarter estaba cerrado y tal vez me hubiera planteado apoyar.

Teóricamente debería de estar apunto de salir a la venta "game slated for release in mid-2014". A ver si no incrementan mucho el precio con respecto a lo que pedian por apoyarlo en 2012.

Por lo que llevo visto y probado de este tipo de juegos últimamente, yo mezclaba la amplitud y riqueza del universo de este, con el sistema económico/social que planteará Star Citizen y el dogfight de Elite: Dangerous.


Dejo por aquí el video del último dev update:

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