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Actualización Red Viper

Sir Crashalot

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Se le encuentra en la red de eMule. Podeis encontrarla por: FF4 RedViper Fix1_1.0.0.3c.zip. :lol:


Esta es la bitacora de cambios:




TFR changes (added to several a/c)

Mirage 2000 plock fix

Delete INS as an option in config editor

NWS roll linking in cfg

skin fixes

- transparency in ships

- F-16 transparency

DF map UI fix

Deuky's tod.lst made the current one (alleviates HUD visisbility issue)

dogfight fixes

tacetool.scf fix

F-22 .dat fix

object fixes



PS 1.61

- secondary explosions now will come from targets, and not from weapons.

Bombs used to generate secondaries even when targets was destroyed already. this is now fixed.


- Vehicles' smoke trails smaller.


- CBUs effect is more realistic now, spreading differently and more

depended on bombs velocity.


- Vehicles now will produce their own secondary explosions when



- Burning fire smoke plumes are now more dense near the ground.


- Fire texture tweaked.


- Spyder trails tweaked.


- more random types of AA missiles and AC explosions.


- AAA tweaked.


- Gun hit effect now has a surrounding "light" added to it.


CTD fixes

- FIXED CTD if a missing DDS, a missing DDS will now make a surface white but no CTD

- FIXED CTD when player requesting clearance for landing on carrier

- FIXED CTD when combat AP trying to change radar mode

- FIXED CTD Threat Circles in UI

- FIXED CTD Caused by missing DF variants

- FIXED CTD in Munitions UI



- FIXED Displays out of place with SA Bar on

- FIXED DLZ Out of place on Hud

- FIXED Labels overlapped by distance labels in ACMI

- FIXED Cloud shadows disappearing with uncaged weapons

- FIXED Floating buildings in 2D Pit

- FIXED 2D Pit Scaling in spare resolutions

- FIXED 2D Pit Low Black Stripe in some non 4:3 resolutions like 1280x1024

- FIXED HUD Infinity projection to be used on any 3D pit

- FIXED Entry Pie 5 Hang

- FIXED altitude for choppers to a more realistic value

- FIXED Viper Engine performances to something more realistic

- FIXED AGM MFD See thru

- FIXED AGM-88 midair explosions and exlosions direct after launch when launched maddog

- FIXED AI visullay spotting at extreme long range

- FIXED MP Parking Bug

- FIXED MP ATC not Calling clients

- FIXED MP Autopilot on while entering the game

- FIXED DF Map Arena entry point

- FIXED DF Weapons Load Bug


- ACMI Labels distance no more depending on F4 Patch setting... now it defaults to 150 Miles

- ADDED multiple kneeboards support in the same 2d cockpit

- ADDED router support on client side (no port forwarding needed anymore for clients)


- Tanker using now a bigger LOITER DIstance to make easier refuelling

- SAR missions back -> more atmosphere in campaign

- Air Mobile now 2 - 4 ships regardless how many ground units to pick up

- Air Mobile battalions now bigger... have better chance to survive

- All AC wich have IFF now can use EWS programs

- Leave Splash Screen now scaled to any resolution size

- 3D World window now appearing always in the center of the display in windowed mode



Y si alguien os pregunta...yo no les dije nada! <_<

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Pues a mi me gusta más RV. Vale, no tiene tantas funciones, el FLIR no es tan chulo, las radios son mas toscas... pero a mi me vale. Cuestión de gustos también, a mi RV me parece un producto más acabado, el hecho de que tenga la metereología incorporada gana puntos, la cabina 3D vale, tiene poca resolución (también porque nadie ha hecho un modelo nuevo, sino que es la original del SP3), pero el HUD colimado es la leche; y los fps van lanzadísimos. Además los objetos 3D están muy mimados y están todos completos!! Depende de lo que busques supongo en el sim te convencerá más uno que otro...



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