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Informacion sobre la beta


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he estado leyendo el foro de la beta y un productor asociado (EvilBivol-1) ha posteado algo interesante


Thank you for the feedback. Many of the issues reported have already been fixed, but did not make it into the Open Beta release version.


1) Indeed not all missions yet have a voiceover, including Navigation.


2) If you find instructions stepping over each other, this is most likely because you performed the required step before the instructor was finished speaking, thus triggering the next step before the audio recording for the current one was finished playing, or because you accidentally set something that triggered a message from later in the mission. Try to be careful about only performing the steps asked by the instructor and nothing more.


3) The instructor VO will be difficult to hear over the engine noise, so we would recomment turning the WORLD and IN-COCKPIT sound sliders in the AUDIO options menu to 50% when flying the training missions. A note for this is included in the start-up lesson.


4) In the PGM lesson, the T-72 target designed to be attacked by an LGB is triggered to explode automatically. This was necessary temporarily, because the flight model of LGBs was still being tuned and the bomb failed to hit the target even if the player did everything correctly. To be fixed.


5) When pressing buttons on any of the cockpit controls (such as MFCD, UFC, CDU), you may need to hold the button down for a moment before the trigger system 'catches' the press. In some cases, the typically fast press/release action is too quick for the trigger system to catch. Be careful not to hold buttons down too long, though, as this may perform a different function altogether.


6) We'll provide a modified version of the Start-Up lesson shortly to skip EAC setting and avoid the mission hang-up.



Edited by Babel
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Gracias babel, son algunos consejos sobre las misiones de entrenamiento, y como ya sabiamos estan todabia por afinar y desarrollar. ;)


un saludo.

si bueno, me llamaron la atencion varias cosillas:


1.- tenemos seguro una version mas antigua que la que tienen ellos

2.- el modelo de caida de las bombas aun no esta terminado (sobre todo las LGB)

3.- en los tutoriales, hay que mentener unos instantes las teclas del los osb apretadas para que los triggers lo detecten

4.- nos van a dar (de hecho ya esta posteado en ese mismo hilo)un archivo para corregir (o por lo menos saltar) el problema que habia en el modo training del ramp start con el EAC (yo acabo de probarlo y si que salta esa parte), aunq tienen que buscar una solucion definitiva

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Pues yo el paso de çeac lo he pasado, primero poniendolo en un boton del joy como ya hemos hecho muchos, y cuando pide activarlos le doy al boton del joy, pero no continua, pero si pulsamos la palanca como se deberia, aunqueno se mueva, como el trigger detecta que el sistema se ha conectado, te deja seguir.

Ponerlo por los foros si alguien esta metido en el hilo.

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