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    Es posible que en dos o tres semanas podamos disponer del primer parche, el cual solucionará no todos pero sí los más importantes problemas encontrados. Será sin duda el primero, pero no el último. Muchos veréis que vuestros problemas están solucionados en el parche, y algunos que quedan pendientes. La idea es solucionar lo más urgente y sacar el parche, para a continuación sacar más parches, de tal forma que no tengamos que esperar demasiado tiempo.
    Así pues, os dejamos con la lista de temas solucionados.

    Hello folks,
    Today we got the first beta version of the patch, and for the most part, things are looking good. Work continues, but I wanted to drop you a quick note regarding some of the things that have been addressed. Please keep in mind that this list is not final and will not be a first and last patch. As to when it will be released… as soon as we possibly can.
    1- Track to AVI video tool fixed.
    2- SA-10 (S-300PS) fixed
    3- Hide list remains hidden in classified mission now
    4- Players can change their payload in classified single and campaign missions
    5- External fuel tanks now have weight and effect balance
    6- A-10 and Su-25 low speed AoA > 30 (such as a tail slide) has been corrected
    7- Aircraft switching (ability to change from player to AI aircraft during mission has been corrected.
    8- Meto visibility selector has been fixed
    9- Re-attack range for bombs has been reduced.
    10- Gun and rocket attack pop-up has been reduced to 500m
    11- A-10 horizon line on HUD is correct now when in bank
    12- Look down reduction on F-15 radar has been reduced
    13- TVV has been removed from A-10 HUD when it is within the gun/rocket reticule
    14- Bank and steering indicator has been removed from F-15 HUD when in non-NAV mode
    15- Padlock is now functional over entire in-cockpit FOV
    16- Radar scan footprint is now visible on HDD when A-15 is in mission
    17- Rudder inputs have been adjusted
    18- S-3 now has folding wings and tail
    19- Max G for Su-27, Su-33, and MiG-29 increased to 9
    20- Payload screen how has correct seeker type for AGM-65D and K
    21- Rmax for AIM-120 increased from 32 to 45 km
    22- Adjusted campaigns for better frame rates
    23- Radar performance when operating at low altitudes has been greatly increased
    24- AI will no take multiple missile shots at enemy (much more aggressive)
    25- TrackIR centering problem fixed
    26- A-10 low fuel indicators fixed
    27- Visible distance of Goal targets greatly increased
    28- RCS values of some aircraft adjusted
    29- MiG-29 now has 150 rounds
    30- Campaign save function adjusted
    31- Fixed record/playback for tracks with voice overs
    32- Our initial tests on Windows 98 look very promising
    Again, these are just some the fixes; will be more.
    Thank you for you patience,
    Matt "Wags" Wagner
    Producer / Ubisoft

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    Ya está por fin disponible el SDK (Software Development Kit) para el simulador Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. Recordemos que el SDK es un conjunto de distintas herramientas que permiten al usuario realizar modificaciones al simulador, creando desde simples aventuras como las que incorpora el producto usando un lenguaje de programación sencillo, el ABL SDK, hasta la creación y modificación de aviones y escenarios (FSEDit SDK), así como añadir voces sonidos con el (ATC VoicePack), y prácticamente cualquier cosa que se nos ocurra. Eso sí, cuanto más complejo, más dificultad para el desarrollo. Puedes consultar y bajar estas utilidades pinchando

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    Los compañeros del Escuadrón 111 han realizado un excelente trabajo en el que los pilotos Jaker, DarkMerlin, DReaper, Skorp y HeadHunter han traducido al castellano el manual de LOMAC que se incorpora en el CD del simulador.
    Además han corregido y añadido las erratas del manual en inglés. Este soberbio trabajo está ahora a disposición de todos los aficionados, y nosotros hemos comprimido el pdf con su permiso y lo hemos colocado en nuestro servidor para todo aquel que lo desee.
    Este tipo de iniciativas personales son un ejemplo de calidad y un toque de atención a todas las compañías distribuidoras, que deberían ver en este gesto el altísimo interés por tener el material en nuestro idioma, ya que al fin y al cabo nuestros euros son tan buenos como los franceses o alemanes. En la historia de los manuales, nunca tantos debieron tanto a tan pocos.
    Para bajarte el documento, pincha aquí 

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    Por fin Ubi Soft ha puesto a disposición del respetable el fichero pdf con el manual que incorpora el CD, algo que van a agradecer nuestros amigos de Francia y Alemania, que no lo tienen en sus CDs comprados. Además, y más importante, la tarjeta de referencia del teclado, ya que la que incorpora el manual no dispone de todas las funciones. Se agradece este gesto de Ubi Soft, si bien ya los aficionados han creado y puesto a disposición de todos otras versiones. Pero más vale tarde que nunca.
    aquí para bajarte el manual.
    Pincha aquí para bajarte la tarjeta de referencia.
    Pincha aquí para bajarte todo en un solo fichero.

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    A continuación os dejamos la información de todos los elementos que incorpora este nuevo añadido que la empresa Perfect Flight 2000 ha incluido en este interensantísimo avión reactor de negocios:

    Product Features
    Gmax Model
    Detailed 3d textures
    Full moving parts including: Flaps, Rudder, Ailerons, Spoilers, Gear, Passenger Doors, Cargo hatches, Reversers, Virtual Cockpit Controls
    Full night lighting inside and out
    Strobes and beacons set to Bombardier specifications
    Fully-featured Learjet 60 panel
    Full 3D Virtual Cockpit
    Stereo Sounds
    Reflective texture mapping
    26 Liveries: Fujairah Aviation; Tierra del Fuego Island Government; Learjet Inc.; New Vistas Limited Liability Company; Eurojet Italia; Cirrus Airlines; Cirrus Aviation; Windrose Air; C. A. Leasing; HERMAN MILLER; Cukurova Air; Daimler Chrysler Aviation; Execujet Scandinavia; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); FlexJet; GAMA Aviation Ltd; Globe Air Charter; Graff; Irish Air Transport; Jet Airservice Ltd.; Jet Alliance; Bombardier Aerospace; Air Independence; AVMAX; Bombardier Inc;
    ABL Adventure Manager - This exclusive feature allows you to design all Adventures you want. We are the first worldwide Company that has implemented the new Adventure Basic Language

    Puedes ver toda la información de este producto pinchando aquí.

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    Debemos advertir que esta herramienta debe usarse con cuidado, modificando las opciones de una en una y probándola en el simulador, ya que pueden adaptarse combinaciones que requerirían un ordenador de la NASA para mover los gráficos. También existe una opción para poder activar los gráficos avanzados para un mayor detalle, tal como puede verse en la siguiente imagen:

    Marcar la opción enable all advance user options
    También es muy importante configurar la carpeta donde se encuentra el ejecutable del LOMAC, ya que sino no podremos trabajar con las configuraciones, en el ejemplo podemos ver que la carpeta es "Ubisoft" sin espacios.
    Una gran herramienta que a buen seguro veremos crecer, y que nos permite poder modificar aspectos que en el simulador, por omisión o por bugs, no se encuentran disponibles.

    Pantalla de trabajo de LOMAN, permite total control de los gráficos
    Para bajarte el programa de instalación, pulsa aquí.

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    En la
    web oficial podemos ver el caza Bf109Z, que como ya comentamos en una ocasión, recuerda mucho al F82 americano. ¿Tomaron los yankees la idea del F82 basándose en el Bf109Z? Puede ser. El F82 es la unión de dos P51, luego llamados F51, unidos por el ala y el timón de profundidad, si bien el F82 dispone de dos tripulantes, piloto y navegante, mientras que el Bf109Z sólo dispone de un tripulante.
    Y el otro avión que queremos destacar es el Lockheed P80 Shooting Star, que actuó en Italia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial aunque no llegó prácticamente a actuar, ni a enfrentarse al ME262, algo que hubiese sido muy interesante de ver. El Lockheed P80 es el primer reactor operativo de los Estados Unidos, ya que el Bell P59 Airacomet estaba falto de potencia para entrar en combate. Más adelante el P80 se redenominó F80 y actuó en la guerra de Corea, pero se vio claramente superado por el MIG15. El P80 tuvo un hermano muy prolífico y muy usado, el T33, biplaza de entrenamiento, que se vendió como entrenador para que los pilotos pudieran adaptarse al vuelo en reactores. España fue uno de sus usuarios.
    Veremos cómo se modela el P80, ya que es un avión de gran velocidad y potencia de fuego, aunque como ocurre con el ME262, sufre de una pobre aceleración y de poca agilidad. Será muy intersante probarlo.
    También podremos volar el P51B Mustang, que fue el primer Mustang con motor Rolls Royce Merlin, y cuatro ametralladoras en lugar de seis. Si ahora el modelo D tiene poca pegada, este tendrá aún menos, aparte de su terrible cabina que no permite ver casi nada hacia atrás. Por último, se están mejorando los efectos gráficos de los cañonazos y aparece el bombadero ruso SPB que será volable. Toda una ristra de nuevos aviones para deleite de los aficionados.

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    Como comentamos en la cabecera (en el momento de escribir estas líneas), tenemos una primera aproximación al simulador Lock On: Modern Air Combat, donde explicamos las características generales del mismo. También hemos incluido algunas imágenes exclusivas del derribo de un IL76, avión de transporte ruso, que nos ha servido para prácticas de tiro al pato. Si deseas leer este artículo pulsa

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    Log de la conversación entre Matt Wagner:
    (Ubi-Wags) if not, the player could quit the mission and win it regardless of a situation that would kill them if they would cheat by quiting(Ubi-Wags) not sure what mean by "communicating" (Thunak) (mattski_): my first quesiton is: 1. Firstly, thanks for all of your hard work Matt, it's truly a revelation and a very enjoyable game. My first question is will we see enhanced refueling and carrier operations in either the patch or addon pack? Specifcally, having to really grab the basket or boom and multiplayer carrier capability? (Ubi-Wags) The development team worked very hard to try to get MP aerial refueling, but the precision of the internet data was simply not sufficient to make it work correctly. (Ubi-Wags) They are still working on this and MP carrier code, but I can make no promises. (Thunak) (Cragger): Wags what was your biggest regret of a goal the project did not meet that you had planned for? (Ubi-Wags) dynamic campaign system (Thunak) (Tuff): Have there been any discussions with Ross about his Campaign system being added to Lock On?(Ubi-Wags) this was a central goal when we started and I regret that we were not able to include such a system (Ubi-Wags) Ross work is ongoing but is completely independant of Eagle's work (Thunak) (Punisher): will be any SDK for LoMac? (Ubi-Wags) I do not believe that Eagle has such plans at this time (Thunak) (twobells): My question: could a pause be implemented that allows you to lock in your targets etc ( a sort of action-pause) (Ubi-Wags) I don't believe that is possible, I belive that all game inputs must be made in real time (Thunak) (AkSt-Babianen): Any possibilites for more advanced features in the mission editor? Random waypoints/flightgroups? (Ubi-Wags) If Eagle were to decide to do some sort of follow-on product, perhaps then. However, I don't see that happening with the base product (Thunak) (twobells): 2nd question: what is your next project? (Ubi-Wags) Sorry, but I cannot comment on that (Thunak) (Air-Killer): will be able the posibility of two teams in the same mision? (Ubi-Wags) You can already do so by setting up aircraft in both coalitions (Ubi-Wags) There are already several such MP missions included with the game (Thunak) (Punisher): what was the first objective for Lomac, SP or MP games? (Ubi-Wags) They are equally important to us (Thunak) (BigA312): Matt , do you still fly Jane's F/A-18 for old times sake? (Ubi-Wags) Sometimes, still very proud of that title. Still keep in touch with team members (Thunak) (Rochee): Out of all the aircraft included with Lockon, which is your favorite? (Ubi-Wags) I probably spend most of my time in the ' (Ubi-Wags) in the Rook (Ubi-Wags) Su-25 (Ubi-Wags) lately, a lot with the Eagle to test radar systems (Thunak) (twobells): In your opinion why do you think the sim scene has produced so few titles in the last few years? (Ubi-Wags) High cost investment, small market footprint, low sales compared to other types of titles (Ubi-Wags) High time investment too (Thunak) (Iceman_AFS): Hi Waggs..do we have at least a small chance to get new planes like the F18,F14 ets and with the choice to sit on the 2nd seat?If not i would like to know where's the technical problem since its possible in IL2FB (Ubi-Wags) As a free addon, I sincerely doubt it. As an addon and stand alone, anything is possible, but that is more up to the develper than me. (Thunak) (badkarma): will campaign co-op multiplayer be supported in the future? (Ubi-Wags) There are no such plans at this time (Thunak) (Phantomski): in many aspect the best sim around. Not in all, to be honest, but it has the potential to be And now the question - could you please be more specific about the incoming patch (details about most important features) and the rumors F-15 will be slightly "upgraded" ? More technical, the better(Ubi-Wags) again, I've posted a long list on the GD forum that gives details as to what has already been addressed, including changes made to the F-15 radar.(Thunak) (aphid): is the european version any different from the us version? will there be seperate patches? (Ubi-Wags) There should be no content differences aside from localization issues (Thunak) (Madmatt): I dont want to take up too much time, and I am sure others have lots of questions, but I have also noticed some issues in the game which I have not seen reported elsewhere, as I said, since I work at another game company (i run the beta teams among other duties) I wasnt sure if i should post them to the official forums, what is the preferred method to report these issues? (Ubi-Wags) Yes, please report on the offical Lock On forums. We read most everything there and it really helps drive the priority levels of what and when things get fixed (Thunak) (T-Bird): What do you think of Bobcat's cloud textures? Does this give you any ideas relating to increasing fps? (Ubi-Wags) He did a great job, perhaps such a change will be incorporated in a later patch, I would like to see that (Thunak) (bolt): I would like to know how much the performance of the game is affected by the number of planes in the air, vehicles on the ground - or if the performance is mostly affected by effects, like weather, water, scenery detail etc. - or, in other words: Is any campaign mission playable with a 1,8Ghz rig, 512 RAM and Geforce2 on lowest gfx settings? (Ubi-Wags) Yes, number of active objects can play a big difference in FPS. As to what you define as (Ubi-Wags) "playable" is very nebulous and varies from player to player. Also, GF2 is NOT a support card for Lock On (Ubi-Wags) I personally think at low settings, it can be playable though (Thunak) (Nasder): I like to create things to game, missions and such, do you know if there are any plans on releasing layered templates for Photoshop or such?(Ubi-Wags) That would be up to the developer and I really don't know if they plan to release such resources (Thunak) (Thunak): (BigA312): Noticed that there is no NATO radar units available in the MB, can you share the intention of this? (Ubi-Wags) there are many unit types we would like to have included, but time and resources prevent us from doing all we wanted (Ubi-Wags) There was no plan to leave out such units (Thunak) (Tiss): hi! my question is: will the su-33 be more ground mission related? i miss more radar and optics guided air to grund missiles. (Ubi-Wags) the real su-33 has no such AG systems, so to be realistic, the Lock On Su-33 does not have them as well (Thunak) (Roskov): what is the bandwidth requierments for internet play? how many KB/s does each client use? (Ubi-Wags) Sorry, I have no idea. That would be a technical question that you could pose on the offical site. The internet MP progammer visits there and can probably give you a good answer--much better that the SWAG I'd give you (Thunak) ([moose]HuBBa): Question: Is there or will there be a way to map the Padlock key to a hold-down function rather than a toggle? (Ubi-Wags) Padlock is a toggle and will stay that way (Ubi-Wags) As such, I don't believe so (Thunak) Nic): Multiple monitor support, has Matt seen this in operation and how did it look ? what kind of hit did the gameplay take? (Ubi-Wags) or... (Ubi-Wags) if you have a programmable stick, you could set up a press and release macro, that should work] (Ubi-Wags) sorry, I have not in fact seen this, but it is my understanding that the developer included surround gaming for the latest matrox card (Thunak) (Eagle): In Mission Editor i sometimes have the problem of planes exploding on Spawn when i set them to spawn on the Parking area? (Ubi-Wags) sounds like you have some other objects already in that area and they are spawning on top of each other. i'd check your mission and remove active and static objects on that area of the apron (Thunak) (ddocg): do you think lomac will be as big as iL2 (Ubi-Wags) I sure hope so! :) (Ubi-Wags) I think the potential is certainly there (Thunak) mattski_): Someone mentioned that AI aircraft will fly toward you and engage you if they have enough fuel, even if you are hundreds of kilometres away. Apparently this scenario was seen with a ground-hugging A-10 some 200Km away from enemy aircraft and with no enemy AWACS. Have you got any thoughts on this? (Ubi-Wags) It depends on what mission type they are on. the different types have various radii that they will engage targets. (Ubi-Wags) for exampe (Ubi-Wags) an escort mission will have a narrow engagement area and an intercept can have a very large one (Thunak) (Phantomski): Cobra and other "beyond flight envelope" maneuvers - is it really only "scripted" (aka animation), or is it starting to be real modelling incorporating perhaps slightly something from disturbed airflow ? (Ubi-Wags) It's my understanding that is actually a combination of the two (Thunak) (Tomcat): will the russian plane not be able to select different payloads for coresponding hard points. (Ubi-Wags) Russian plans, as well as all the others, can have various weapons on hardpoints. Players can use the payload editor to create their own payload layouts as well. Not sure I understand your question. (Thunak) (ddocg): is Lomac, future technology friendly, will it be playable in whatever form say 3 years from now (Ubi-Wags) Given that we don't know what the technology will be three years from now, that is an impossible question to answer. However, I think that most will agree that the game has lots of hardware growth potential in regards to taking advantage of increased details levels as hardware increases in capability (Thunak) (Kittenmaster): Hello, here is a question to Matt: Will the patch improve AI calculations, new memory managment to improve game performance?(Ubi-Wags) Aspects of the AI have been improved in the patch. As to that affecting game performance, I'm not sure AI has ever been a big factor in that.(Ubi-Wags) AG and BVR AI tactics have been improved (Thunak) (gredknap): Is the first patch weeks or months? (Ubi-Wags) weeks (Ubi-Wags) already in beta testing now (Thunak) (swataeric): matt after i land the aircraft, how do i know where to park the plane 
    ** Aqui Thunak quito el modo moderado del canal y todo se fue a hacer puñetas, perdí la respuesta de Matt, aunque dijo básicamente que solo era necesario salir de la pista.  
    (Thunak) (E69_Hog): First of all, thank you and team for all the effort. I know about third companies developing sim hardware like MDF, ejecting seats....do you consider in the future to share that kind of information needed for that hardware to work with lomac? Thanks (Ubi-Wags) I hope we can do so, and it fact I have put such third party hardware ventors in touch with the development team. Hopefully we'll some great results. However, please keep in mind that the team is very busy with other tasks at the moment--like the patch (Thunak) (radejet): are they any plans of avionic system inproving (Ubi-Wags) several improvments have already been made to radar performance in the first patch. I imagine that this will be an ongoing process (Thunak) (Nasder): When you land your plane, you can rearm and refuel. Do you think that repairing lighter "wounds" to your plane will be an option in the future?(Ubi-Wags) I doubt it. The idea is a hot-pit turn around that would not include repairing damage (Thunak) (EchoPapa607): First, congratulations on the team for a great product. I would like to know if the team has shared ideas with the IL-2FB team regarding common problems? I personally believe that some aspects in Lockon could have been improved just by learning from the work that was done in IL-2FB.(Ubi-Wags) Sorry, but I'm not aware of the level of interaction between the two development studios. Despite using the same publisher, they are two separate companies (Thunak) (ace24): Is any progress being made regarding the Blue(light blue) screen problem. (Ubi-Wags) Our initial tests of the patch have had good results with Win98, so I hope this issue may be resolved as well. i personally have not been able to test this yet (Thunak) (AkSt-pilgrim): Could you please make it possible to add more skins instead of only being able to change the existing ones? Perhaps having a dedicated where you can put new skins without overwriting default ones? (Ubi-Wags) I would also suggest making sure your vid card FULLY supports DX8.1 (Ubi-Wags) I have already discussed this with the team, they'll see what they can do. No promises. (Ubi-Wags) Going back, please remember that GF2, 8500 and all MX cards are not supported (Ubi-Wags) All of these cards to NOT fully support DX8.1 (Thunak) (AkSt-pilgrim): Could you please make it possible to add more skins instead of only being able to change the existing ones? Perhaps having a dedicated where you can put new skins without overwriting default ones? (Ubi-Wags) Pleae look above, I answered this (Thunak) (Shirazi): how come you can land at very high speeds and such hard landing is it that easy in reality aswell? (Ubi-Wags) I have already discussed this with the team, they'll see what they can do. No promises. (Thunak) (Phantomski): Q8: FlightModel: it's very good, as I would expect from Flanker sequel...could you please be more specific about physics and techniques incorporated ? or could you give me contact to a person who could tell me that ? I'm sure it's party your know how, but there should be some "PR" directed info. At lest, if it's more "MSFS like" (aka mass point+tables and fine tuning) or "X-plane like" (actual airflow, shape influence, ...) (Ubi-Wags) Strange... when I have hard landings, my gear fails and I'm skidding across the runway. Please make sure you do not have Easy Flight on (Ubi-Wags) That goes above my head, but I suggest you post your questions of the offical site. I know that the flight programmers read those boards. (Thunak) (Vang): Will there be a look forward view while in padlock like IL-2 and Jane's F18? (Ubi-Wags) already in there, KP Ins (Thunak) (ddocg): at this early stage, how does Lomacs future look (Ubi-Wags) So far so good :) (Thunak) (ScHiZ0): Realizing of course that no promises can be made as of now, do you have any guesstimate on how much work it will take to fix the track-ir centering issues? (Ubi-Wags) Already fixed in the patch (Thunak) (Roskov): will the patch (or any future ones) fix the MP problem where players sometimes is seens as on the ground but is infact flying around?(Ubi-Wags) such issues are generally a fucntion of someones connect / ping / dropped packets and not so much the game. Also, the nforce board issue has a been a problem. however patch tests have shown the the nforce problem has largely been fixed (Thunak) (JZG_Hypno): Is the multiplayer code brand new or just imported from Flanker and adjusted?. I noticed some instability while playing,joining or taking off from a carrier, that seemed very Flanker-like. Is multiplayer code going to be revised? Also, I know that the FM is great but what about the onboard systems? (engine startup, shutdown procedures, fuel selectors etc) they seem a bit simplified. Am I wrong? Thank you (Ubi-Wags) The MP code and interface is all new. Like other aspects of the game, the MP will be improved with the upcoming patch and will likel evlove with the project. (Thunak) (EchoPapa607): Do you think Lock-on will evolve into some kind of FS2K? Like using the great game engine so that people can fly more planes (perhaps from 3rd party software), helicopters and even ground based units in-game? (Ubi-Wags) It was never the goal to create laborious engine procedures (Ubi-Wags) It is a great engine and I would imagine that anything could be possible, but that's not my call and I cannot speculate (Thunak) (BadKarma): Are the Hud graphics in the aircraft accurate? I was under the impression that the F15 Hud had a different setup than is currently modeled in Lomac. (Ubi-Wags) the F-15C HUD mode is quite accurate, check a HUD video or image of the Charlie HUD and you'll see they are almost identical. You're probably confusing the E HUD with the C HUD. (Thunak) (ddocg): any plans for clickable pits (Ubi-Wags) none, we are quite happy with the current cockpit technology (Thunak) (Shirazi): why is the hud text just enlarged to greater pixels when zoomed in rather than beeing enlarged in the "right" way? (Ubi-Wags) I'm not sure what you mean by the "right" way.

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    Con la salida del parche 1.21 para Forgotten Battles, el siguiente e inmediato paso era, naturalmente, actualizar el software para el server dedicado. Recordemos que este software permite usar un ordenador como servidor dedicado para vuelos online en Forgotten Battles. Dedicado significa que no se puede volar en el mismo PC donde se está ejecutando. Esto es así a propósito para poder disponer de toda la potencia del PC dedicada a gestionar los vuelos. Puedes bajarte el software en la web oficial.

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