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Manual de TO 1F-15A-1 App A Perf Data F100-PW-220: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/645693/


Manual de TO 1F-15A-1 App A Perf Data F100-PW-100: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/645686/




La verdad es que con la que está cayendo, que una distribuidora rusa cuelgue dos manuales de performances de aviones caza americanos de primera linea también es un poco corto de miras :D


Que luego cae en manos de terroristas y pasan cosas como estas:





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Brisa, aparte de salir mucho el logo, me ha dado cuenta que todo no sale nada, ni imágenes ni referencias, de la cabina nueva, ninguna indicación de la funcionalidad del NWS en tierra, nada del rotatorio funcional del selector de combustible.. Y nada sobre el PFM o como lo llamen.


Es un resumen, han ampliado la sección de "historia y desarrollo" y para mi no han cambiado nada más del manual. Si ya son "peculiares" haciendo cosas, lo de este módulo es más aún.


Como dice Ama, tiene guasa lo de la publicación de las cartas con el tema como está.



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Una pregunta de novato....


Que diferencia hay entre este F-15C ...y el del Flaming Clif - 3......?



Pues si me he enterado bien, (espero que si) es lo mismo. El que tenga FC3 y actualice la 1.2.8 actualizará el F15C al F15C con AFM. Entiendo que es una situación similar a lo que pasa por ejemplo con el A-10A






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No sé si a vosotros os pasa -o al menos a mi me funciona así- que el Nose Gear Maneuvering Range está fijo a 45º y con la combinación de teclado pasa a la mitad (al revés de como funcionaba antes)


Aparte, usad los comandos LShift + D y LCtrl + D mientras mirais al indicador de fuel, a ver que os parece (si no, borrad el archivo de configuración de teclado para que cargue el nuevo)


Salu2 y cuidado con los peces espada


Nota: podrían, al menos, permitir activar el control anti-deslizamiento para no tronchar la pata de morro, coño.

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Jejejeje... te iba a comentar lo del selector del indicador de fuel funcional.


A mi el NWS me va igual que antes, mañana lo miraré mejor si eso.

Y desde luego podrían poner funcional el anti-skid.


Mucha cosa a medio implementar y sin documentación veo en este módulo la verdad... Y por cierto me ha parecido que es mas caro que el resto de los FC3 (A-10A y 25A)

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No sé si a vosotros os pasa -o al menos a mi me funciona así- que el Nose Gear Maneuvering Range está fijo a 45º y con la combinación de teclado pasa a la mitad (al revés de como funcionaba antes)


Aparte, usad los comandos LShift + D y LCtrl + D mientras mirais al indicador de fuel, a ver que os parece (si no, borrad el archivo de configuración de teclado para que cargue el nuevo)


Salu2 y cuidado con los peces espada


Nota: podrían, al menos, permitir activar el control anti-deslizamiento para no tronchar la pata de morro, coño.


Salud y sed felices :aplauso-6:

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Parece que hay novedades desde el foro ruso, AIM-9X, JHMCS y la cabina clicleable para el F-15C por Chizh.



Я так понимаю, тоже самое применимо к AIM-9X.


В общем да. По ракете достоверных данных мало. Но, тем не менее, в этом году мы планируем вставить ее в симулятор.







I understand that the same applies to the AIM-9X.


In general, yes. By rocket little reliable data. But, nevertheless, this year we plan to insert it in the simulator.




It is not meaningless. You can shoot much closer range and higher angle than AIM-9M, either before the merge, in a chase/escort scenario, or in a high-angle-off-tail lag scenario, even without JHMCS.
JHMCS gives a lot more capability than aiming AIM-9X. It will show you HUD information, datalink information of friendly and enemy air and ground (specifically SAM) assets, etc.
It's a little bit like flying with labels on.







Прекраснейшая новость. А в каком блоке к нам придет сие чудо, и можно ли расчитывать на JHMCS для F-15? Просто как по мне, без нашлемной системы целеуказания данная ракета теряет смысл, разве что только по радару стрелять.


Пока ракета будет без нашлемки.
JHMCS появится в рамках разработки полноценного модуля DCS F-15C с системами и кликабельной кабиной.






Wonderful news. And in any block will come to us this miracle, and can count on JHMCS for the F-15? Just as for me, without a helmet targeting this missile system is meaningless, except that on the radar shoot.


While the rocket will not nashlemki.
JHMCS appear under full development module DCS F-15C systems and clickable cockpit.




Edited by Silver_Dragon
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You assumed it because you read half the information, so please stop reading the Russian forum and then throwing out news that is incorrect here biggrin.gif


Chizh said right now the seeker will be slaved to radar, just like with AIM-9M. There's no information on when an ASM will be implemented for the F-15C, if ever.



Originally Posted by Flagrum viewpost.gif
Hrm, now as you point me directly at it ... I just assumed, that


  1. AIM-9X = 2014
  2. AIM-9X = JHMCS
  3. JHMCS = ASM




Vamos, que no nos hagamos tantas ilusiones...

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Del foro ruso: (traducido):


1. Nose wheel

1) Ability to control appears when compressing the pillar.
2) It is possible to turn off the nosewheel steering control and make it castor - Nose Gear Steering Disengage (LAlt + Q), it is necessary to clamp the button . To control, switch back wheel turning angle must be less than 45 degrees.
3) By default, the maximum angle of rotation of the nose wheel - 15 degrees. It can be increased to 45 by holding Nose Gear Maneuvering Range (S).
2 . Braking
1) Added commands and axis separate braking each wheel : Wheel Brake Left On / Off (LCtrl + A) and Wheel Brake Right On / Off (LAlt + A).
2) The axes may be inverted. If problems occur during landing , worth checking brake adjustment axes
3 . Fuel System
1) Fuel gauge now shows you where it is installed - filling tanks . Capacity consumables tanks left and right engines different - 557kg and 690kg respectively. The remaining indicators remained unchanged.
2) Display FUEL LOW now indicates a small quantity of fuel in the tanks of consumables - less than 270 in the left or right in less than 450
3 ) Fuel consumed from supply tanks while there poured out from the rest
4) When refueling on the ground and in the air (open hatch refueling ) , if the number of fuel in the tank is less than 1 pound in 1560 , the external tanks are not made
5) In -flight refueling ( refueling hatch open ) , if not the scoreboard lit FUEL LOW, landing gear and fuel tanks from outside is not pumped
6) In -flight refueling ( refueling hatch open ) , 1 tank of fuel is not pumped
7) Drain fuel stops if the scoreboard lights BINGO FUEL. Fuel is not drained from the tanks is ( and is pumped into the core) . Of wing tanks drained at different speeds.
4 . Management System
1 ) FFB does not work , it is known (WIP)
2) AP Mode Attitude ( pitch and roll stabilization ) works under the conditions : all channels included CAS, pitch and roll less than 45 less than 60 , Ny greater than 0 and less than 4. Temporarily turn off if the player intervenes . Button switch A.
3) Mode AP Altitude ( elevation stabilization ) works under the conditions : enabled AP Attitude, Vy less than 2,000 feet per minute ( 10 m / s ) . Temporarily shut off if the player intervenes . Button switch H
4) Display of the autopilot not working properly , it is known (WIP). Enable / Disable can be viewed via toggle switches (left panel )
5 . Airbrake
1) Issue and cleaning the air brakes can be run to any position , if you use the command Airbrake , incl. (LShift + B) and air brake off . (LCtrl + B). The first press starts to move in the right direction , the second stops . Team- Air brake ( B) brake is released and removed to the extreme positions .
2) The brake is automatically removed at high angle of attack 15.5 degrees. Automatically returned if the angle of attack decreased below 15.5 and the switch was on the issue ( until done , next apdeyte )
The list will grow over time . Questions and comments are welcome
it's important
In extreme beta updates can not work hand trimmer and T / O Trim. Problem is known .




Edited by Silver_Dragon
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Del foro ingles:





1. Nose Wheel
1) Steering system automatically engages when nose gear is on the ground
2) Nose Gear Steering Disengage (LAlt + Q, must be held) - disengages nose gear steering system. Steering will re-engage when button is released and nose gear rotated less than 45 degrees
3) Nose Gear Maneuvering Range (S, must be held) - selects maneuvering range (45 degrees)

2. Braking
1) Wheel Brake On (W) - brakes with both wheels
2) Wheel Brake Left On/Off (LCtrl + A) and Wheel Brake Right On/Off (LAlt + A) - discrete braking, each command for its wheel. Also there are separate axis
3) Axis can be inverted. If you have trouble with landing and touchdown, check brakes axis settings

3. Fuel system
1) Fuel quantity indicator now indicates fuel quantity in Feed tanks. Their capacity is different - near 1500 lbs right and 1250 lbs left
2) FUEL LOW light shows low fuel level in feed tanks, 1000 lbs in right feed tank and 600 lbs in left feed tank
3) External tanks refueling is prevented until tank 1 fuel quantity is above approximately 1560 lbs
4) While air refueling, if FUEL LOW light is off, and when gear is down, fuel won't transfer into internal tanks
5) While air refueling fuel won't transfer from tank 1
6) Fuel dump stops when BINGO FUEL light is on

4. Control system
1) FFB isn't working now, it's known. WIP
2) AFCS Attitude Hold - holds pitch and roll. All three CAS channels must be on to switch Attitude hold on. ATT HOLD is automatically disengaged when: load factor is greater than +4g and less than 0g, CAS axis is disengaged. Is temporary disengaged when: pitch is greater than +-45, roll is greater than +-60 or stick forces is applied. Can be engaged by A key
3) AFCS Altitude Hold - holds altitude and roll. Attitude Hold must be engaged to switch Altitude hold on. ALT HOLD is automatically disengaged when: Attitude hold is disengaged, vertical velocity exceeds 2000 FPM. Is temporary disengaged when: roll is greater than +-60, stick forces is applied. Can be engaged by H key
4) Autopilot lights are working incorrect. It's known issue. WIP You can check mode by its switch

5. Speed brake
1) You can extend and retract speedbrake to any desired position using Airbrake On (LShift+ B) and Airbrake Off (LCtrl+ B). First press start moving, second stops. With Airbrake ( B) command speedbrake extends and retracts to its extreme positions
2) Speedbrake automatically retracts when AoA becomes more than 15.5 degress (25.5 units). It automatically extends, when AoA is reduced (WIP)

If you have ideas what to include, you are welcome

In new beta update manual trim and t/o trim may not work. It's known issue. Please, do not make new topics


Me parece que se entiende mejor que la traduccion del foro ruso... <_<

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